1 Components of a Computer System Lesson 17: Modes Of Use
2 Learning Objectives Define Modes of Use / Operation. Define and understand the differences between batch processing, on-line processing and realtime processing. Have an understanding of a wider range of work- related IT applications and their effects.
3 There are 2 main types of software Software System SoftwareApplications Software Human Computer / User Interfaces Carries out some task/s for the user allowing the user to produce something useful. Performs tasks needed to just run the computer system. Without system software application software could not run.
4 System Software Operating SystemsUtilities Modes Of Use / Operation
5 Modes of Use / Operation The first kinds of operating system could only do one task at a time for one user. Then other operating systems came out that could work in other ways or modes.
6 Modes of Use / Operation Some books classify modes of use / operation as different types of operating systems. However, modern operating systems can work in a multitude of different ‘modes’. So it is best to think of ‘Modes of Use’ as the different ways or modes operating systems can work in.
7 Modes of Use / Operation Batch (& off-line) Processing Real-time Processing On-line Processing Instructions Click a mode for more information.
8 On-line processing User has direct contact with processor. Used when: Processor needs to be constantly ready to receive input. Justified by: Explaining why processor needs to be constantly ready to receive input. Examples
9 Examples of On-line processing Real Time (Transaction) Cash withdrawals from ATMs EFT EFTPOS systems Booking systems Air ticket Holiday Theatre Cinema Back As soon as a transaction is received by the computer, it is processed and any data files are updated.
10 Any control system which uses sensors requiring immediate response at the time of input, quickly enough to affect the next input. Is by definition also on-line. Used because a system must react immediately when input from a sensor is received as a delay is unacceptable. Justified by: Explaining what action must be taken immediately and why a delay is unacceptable. Real-time processing Examples
11 Examples of Real-time processing Air traffic control Real-time banking Any safety critical systems Games / simulations. rockets fired onto space, robots computer controlled air conditioning central heating burglar alarm greenhouses etc. Any control system requiring immediate response or safety critical system. Back
12 Collect data together before being processed. Batch processing Off-line processing User cannot communicate directly with processor. Used When
13 Batch and Offline processing is used when : Batch: Large amounts of data to be processed that will take a long time to complete. Data processing of similar type. Processor time is available in quiet time. Off-line: No human intervention required. Examples
14 Example uses of Batch and Off-line processing The processing of: Bank cheques Payroll Non-automatic stock control systems Utility billing. Back
15 ‘ Modes Of Use ’ Students -- ICT -- IGCSE -- Computer System -- 9 Software (Modes of Use). Follow its instructions.
16 Plenary What are Modes of Use / Operation? The different ways or modes an operating system can work in.
17 Plenary What is on-line, real-time, batch and off-line processing? On-line processing User can communicate directly with processor. Real-time processing Data received is processed quickly enough to effect the next input. Batch and Off-line processing Collects data together before being processed User cannot communicate directly with processor
18 Plenary When are on-line, real-time, batch and off-line processing used?
19 Examples of On-line processing Cash withdrawals from ATMs EFT EFTPOS systems Booking systems Air ticket Holiday Theatre Cinema
20 Examples of Real-time processing Air traffic control Real-time banking Any safety critical systems Games / simulations. rockets fired onto space, robots computer controlled air conditioning central heating burglar alarm greenhouses etc. Any control system requiring immediate response or safety critical system.
21 Example uses of Batch and Off-line processing The processing of: Bank cheques Payroll Non-automatic stock control systems Utility billing. Back