Overview installation of Polarized Target 14th Crystal Ball Meeting 0.- Hydrogen Target Length 1.- Polarized target tests 2.- Rail System for ‘Frozen Spin’ mode 3.- CB Frame / Electronics 4.- Schedule 14th Crystal Ball Meeting Edinburgh September 13.-15. 2009 Andreas Thomas
Note: Hydrogen Target Length New Xray picture of 30mm cell at 9.9.09 [R.Kondratiev, O.Kostikov, A.Thomas] Results: 3 cm cell 30.2 +- 0.3 mm h - Bump 5 cm cell 47.2 +- 0.5 mm standard 10 cm cell 100.0 +- 1.0 mm High luminosity
Components of the polarized target for the Crystal Ball detector He3/He4 Roots 4000m3/h Vacuum system Components of the polarized target for the Crystal Ball detector Targetmaterial H-Butanol D-Butanol Mikrowaves 70GHz Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Superconducting Polarization magnet 5Tesla NMR-Apparatus 106MHz Polarisation meas. Horizontal He3/He4 Dilutionrefrigerator (20mKelvin) with internal Holding coil
Internal Holding coil · Current leads (46A): Copper T=300K 70 K HTc Supracond. T= 70K 4 K NbTi 200mm T= 4K 1.5K Internal Holding coil 1.3Kelvin ??? Tesla at 46A L=136mm, d=48mm, 4 layers Support Copper-tube d=0.3mm
Full test with new insert and butanol target in June – July 2009
Polarizing magnet He4(liq)
Calibration of the Holding coil field B0=2.5Tesla F= 106MHz Observe shift of NMR-Signal depending on holding coil current
B0=2.5Tesla F= 106MHz 46A ~ 0.895Tesla
Internal transverse Holding coil Coil tested at 4.2K Henry Ortega Started PhD in Mainz Different layers are used to optimize the homogeniety.
Simulation Ideal case for dipole magnet: “Racetrack” coil: magnetic field highly non-uniform and not appropriate for a cylinder. “Saddle” coil: winding must fit to the so-called overlapping ellipse or “cosine” shape of current distribution (Wilson 2002 & Ašner 1999).
4-layer dipole: N1=N2=138 N3=N4=78 150mm
High Field Solenoid or Transverse Field
The degree of polarization PT of the target protons (run in May ´98) : Measurement of the degree of proton polarization with online NMR during GDH data taking New NMR [N.Frömmgen]
Polarization method Crystal Ball Cryostat Polarizing magnet Polarizing Rail system needed Microwaves + NMR Microwaves Polarizing magnet Polarizing magnet External magnet 2.5 T Polarize with microwaves Internal holding coil 0.7 T Remove external magnet Move CB detector in. Data taking. Repolarization
Rail system to Move the CBall, TAPS and Magnet ACAD rails J.Rosche Chassis J.Ahrens Electronics A.Starostin P.Pedroni Move magnet transverse A.Thomas
Rails are beeing aligned and fixed: R.Kondratiev O.Kostikov
Heavy load cars will be mounted by J.Ahrens next week
Electronics has to be mounted partially on CB frame: A.Starostin A.Lapik M. Korolija
Schedule 1.- Polarized Target - tests in dilution mode reproduced successfully - transverse coil tested at 4K - DNP measured - Colleagues from Dubna in Mainz Nov.-Dec. 2.- Rail system for CBall - Cables dismounted, Rails beeing aligned now - First move of CB next week - DAPHNE in storage hall, TOF detectors? - Installation of part of electronics in CB-Frame? 3.- Installation of PT in CBall - Start in October - Test beam in December for intensity dependent relaxation time etc. - Transverse or Longitudinal coil.