Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo By Andrijana and Dusan!
Project Description Problem analysis There are many problems in our town. First of all, there are no places to go out on Friday and Saturday nights. Next, there are many people who are destroying our beautiful city. Young people don't like anything about this town.
Project Description Target Groups: Primary Target Group: Young adults Secondary Target Group: Children in primary schools
Project Description Project Objective The main objective of this project is to show young people how to behave and live a normal life without alcohol and drugs.
Action Plan: Performing Arts Activity: Chicago Musical Time: 2 months for organising the event Responsible: Exit team Resources: performers, costumes, theatre Outcome: To collect money for Youth center
Action Plan: Visual Arts Activity: Movie Super 8 Time:10 days for organising the event Responsible: Steven Spielberg Resources: cinema Outcome: To entertain children in primary schools.
Action Plan: Sports Activity: Basketball match Time: 1 month to organise the event Responsible: Basketball Club Metalac Resources: Sports center Outcome: To collect money for new sport center
Action Plan: Summer Camps Activity: English Summer Camp Time: 3 months to organise the event Responsible: Grammer school Resources: Lake Petnica, teachers Outcome: to improve english in our town
Action Plan: Community service Activity: Time: Responsible: Resources: Outcome:
Getting Ideas Here are some websites listing events and activities in our country and round the world. They might give you a few ideas: BelgradeBelgrade London SidneyLondonSidney Agents4changeAgents4change DoSomethingDoSomething MySummerCamps