“Yakutsk is cultural center” «Якутск культурный центр» Выполнила: Народова Диана Ученица 6 «Б» класса МБОУ СОШ № 9 им. М.И.Кершенгольца Научный руководитель: Антонова Н.П.
Объект исследования: –город Якутск Предмет исследования: культурные достопримечательности города Якутска
Цель: составление путеводителя для иностранцев, с целью ознакомления с культурными достопримечательностями города Якутска. Задачи: 1. Изучить и выбрать основные объекты культуры Якутска 2. Подготовить краткую информацию об объекте на английском языке 3. Составить на основе собранного материала путеводитель «Yakutsk is cultural center»
Методы исследования: Изучение литературы, Анкетирование, Составление текстов Систематизация объектов
Результаты опроса учащихся: Участники опроса: 6 б (25 учащихся) Как ты думаешь, что обычно интересует иностранцев у нас? О чем хотели бы вы рассказать своему зарубежному сверстнику? На какую тему ты бы общался со своим зарубежным сверстником? 56% учащихся желают рассказать о культуре родного города; 21% - о себе и своей семье; 15% затруднились с ответом.
Путеводитель “Yakutsk is cultural center” «Якутск культурный центр»
Yakutsk Yakutsk is the capital of the Sakha Republic. It was founded in The Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Sakha Republic ( Yakutia ) was signed on the 27 th of September in The republic has its own constituition, a state flag and a state emblem. It is a sovereign democratic republic within the Russian Federation.
The National flag of the Sakha Republic There is a white circle in the centre of the blue stripe. There also 4 horizontal blue, white, red and green stripes. It was raised over the state Assembly building in 1992.
This is our President The President represents the republic within the Russian Federation and also to foreign countries. He is met by the government to inform him about general government business at regular meetings. The President also nominates the vice – president as well as Chair of the Government.
The circus State "Sakha circus" was created on September, 5, 1994 by the Decree of the President of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) M. Nikolayev on the basis of the collective of synthesis - theatre " Oyuun ". First in the world northern circus has appeared. The originality of the Yakut circus is based on a combination of traditions of Russian circus art with national culture of the North.
The Sakha Academic Drama theatre During the Soviet period the Sakha theatre mastered Russian and West- European theatrical aesthetics and continued to develop national repertoire. The history is always the interpretation of the facts. It is considered, that October 17, 1925 is the birthday of the Yakut drama theatre. It is quite right, but it would be a mistake to consider this date as the beginning of development of theatrical culture of Yakut people. This mistake arises because the Soviet aesthetics tried to separate art from religion in every possible way and consequently treated the beginning of professional theatre as the beginning of a theatrical art.
The State library named after A.S. Pushkin It is the biggest library in Yakutsk. There are lots of books. The most of the students and peoples like to go there. It is very useful for them.
The Lenin monument The monument to Lenin is situated on the Lenin area. We like to go for a walk there with our friends. There are always many people. This monument is on the very centre of the area.
The monument of Komsomol. It is situated on the Komsomol area near the Tuimaada stadium and the park. We also like to go there for a walk. There is also very many people.
The Central Cinema It is situated on the very centre of the city, that is why it is called the Central Cinema theatre. There are always too many people.
The Lena Cinema The Lena cinema theatre is situated near the Warm pound. There are always many students as it is near the Yakut main University.
Yhyakh It is a traditional festival of the Sakha people. The Sakha people worship the Sun. The yhyakh consists of three parts. During the festival people wear national dress decorated wih fur, beads and embroidery, and they eat traditional dishes. The festival continues for three days and nights. Mas- wrestling In mas-wrestling two participants each try to pull the wooden stick over to their own side. Usually it helds on yhyakh celebration on the second ritual.
The State Academic Russian theatre of a name Pushkin The Russian theater in Yakutsk – the Yakutia's first and the oldest on North – the East of Asia the state repertoire theater. Its performances keep and bear to the audience universal values in different genres of world and domestic dramatic art.
The state opera and ballet theater of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of a name of D.K.Sivtsev-SuorunaOmolloon The state opera and ballet theater of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of a name of D.K.Sivtsev- SuorunaOmolloon – the only theater of the similar status in the Far East federal district, one of four opera and ballet theaters in Siberia, the most northern opera and ballet theater of Russia.
National art museum National art museum of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) one of the largest art museums in the northeast of the country. It is based in 1928.
Museum of a mammoth of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) The museum of a mammoth is created in 1991 as the scientific and cultural center on studying of mamontovy fauna and the environment of its dwelling in ice age.
My school My name is Narodova Diana. I study in the 6th class at school No. 9 name M.I.Kershengoltsa. Our schoolis very comfortable and good. At school there are a library where we read books, the sports hall, a dining room and classes. I love my school very much.
The house of friendship of the people of A.E.Kulakovsky In By the decree of the President of RS(Ya) the republican Center of culture of A.E.Kulakovskogo was given the status of the House of Friendship of the people of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) that is connected with need of improvement of system of regulation of process of preservation and revival of a variety of cultures of the people of the republic, increase of a role of culture as a stabilizing factor in spiritual life of residents of Yakutsk.