Chapter 30 The Vietnam War Section 4 The War Winds Down
Nixon Moves To End The War Nixon appoints Henry Kissinger as special asst. for national security and gave him authority to use diplomacy to end the conflict. Kissinger used linkage to persuade Soviets & Chinese to cut back aid to N. Vietnam. Kissinger held secret talks with Le Duc Tho over a possible cease-fire.
Henry KissingerLe Duc Tho
Nixon Moves To End The War Nixon cut the number of troops in Vietnam. This is known as Vietnamization. S. Vietnam assumed more of the fighting. Nixon maintained a strong presence and air support while removing troops.
My Lai November, 1969, an American platoon under the command of Lieutenant William Calley massacred 200 unarmed civilians. Calley went to prison for his role.
My Lai William CalleyCivilians after the massacre
Protest April 1970, America invades Cambodia. This was seen by many as widening the war and will set off many protests. Kent State University – May 4 – National Guard fired on protesters without orders to do so. 4 students killed 9 wounded. 10 days later 2 students killed at Jackson State College in Mississippi.
Protest Kent State UniversityJackson State College
Pentagon Papers Due to backlash of Cambodia Invasion Congress repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution taking away power in directing the war in Vietnam – Pentagon Papers go public showing Johnson’s men questioned the war but publicly supported the effort. Papers showed actions taken without approval of Congress. Confirmed the Gov’t had not been honest with the people.
U.S. Leaves Vietnam October, 1972 – month before the Presidential election, Kissinger announces that, “peace is at hand”. Nixon wins the election in a landslide. Weeks after the election peace talks break down.
U.S. Leaves Vietnam “Christmas Bombings” – For 11 days U.S. bombed N. Vietnam only stopping on Christmas Day. After the two sides began to negotiate again. South allows Northern troops to stay in South. January 27, 1973 – peace agreement signed U.S. removes troops and 8 years later U.S. ends any involvement in Vietnam.
The Legacy of Vietnam Cost the nation $170 Billion 58,000 Americans dead Over 300,000 injured Over 1 million Vietnamese dead 1982 Vietnam War Memorial dedicated
Vietnam War Memorial
War’s Impact War Power’s Act – 1973 – reestablished some limits on executive powers. Required the president to inform Congress of any commitment of troops abroad within 48 hours and to withdraw them within 60 to 90 days unless approved otherwise. Increased cynicism about the U.S. Government.
End of Chapter 30