1.2. P ROJECT I NFORMATION Important project information and advice
Selecting your project – balancing ambition against time
Most important aspect of this module, highlights your programming skill and worth 100% of overall module credit You get to select the game you want to develop. You will have some control over how it is marked. There are compulsory hand-in points, with final assessment at the end of the module. The assessment may involve a viva.
Firstly, and most importantly, develop something that you think is fun. Base your project on a simple idea that can be readily implemented within the available time. Plan to develop a short demo and not a fully featured game (aim to have all game features experienced within 10 minutes of play)
Include contingency planning within your project. Consider the assessment criteria for your project (think about your project mark distribution) At the end of the second week you will submit a short outline of your planned game and its features and receive feedback on game challenge, scope, etc.
Note: Students on the MEng in Computer Game Development must use XNA XNA is considerably more capable than Java for writing games XNA provides experience of C# and.NET (liked by industry, can help with placement) × XNA involves learning a new language (C#) although it is a close cousin of Java × More of a learning curve (although project assessment is mindful of this) Should you select XNA? What are the pros and cons My advice? If you feel comfortable with Java then pick XNA. If you feel a bit uncomfortable with Java – then stick with Java!
You can work as part of a team on a larger game project if you wish Be aware of advantages/ disadvantages A team that ‘gels’ and has a good mix of skills will do well. A single mark will be awarded to the entire project. Peer distribution of marks will then be used I will act as a brokering service if needed
Project timeline and hand-in points. Project assessment and assurance.
Final Submission End Week 11 Assessment Distribution Alpha code version End Week 9 Architecture / Early Prototyping End Week 6 Initial Game Concept End Week 2 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12 Game Concept / Development Assess ment Vivas Initial Architectural Development and Prototyping Code Development Lectures Project Lectures Marking Project
The Project Development Report provides a complete record of project development, containing: Team/individual information Proposed project details and feedback Exploratory milestone details and feedback Alpha milestone details and feedback Final submission information and peer assessment Final project assessment and awarded mark To do: Read
Each project will be marked out of 100 and judged against the following categories of assessment: Game concept and gameplay Quality of architectural design Use of graphics and/or sound Extent of game features Complexity of game algorithms Coding style and code quality
You can decide how 60 marks (out of the total 100 marks) will be allocated. Doing this, you can adapt the marking scheme to your chosen game.
All interim project hand-ins are compulsory. Failure to pass interim hand-ins will result in automatic module failure. I will fail someone who does not engage with the course. However, I will be understanding of circumstance – just keep me informed.
You can make use of existing algorithms, code fragments, classes and libraries.. Hand-in points will be used to record project development. All projects will be subject to an on-line plagiarism test. It is vital that you clearly identify bits that draw on other sources. Vivas will be held to assure authenticity if there is uncertainty. Failing the viva will result in automatic module failure. All suspected academic offences will be subject to the University’s Academic Offences regulations.
Learning agreement and some truths about this module
Things which you can expect of me: In general: ● I’m here to help ● I will be supportive and non-judgemental Within lectures: ● I won’t regurgitate material within lectures. ● I’m very happy to answer questions Assessment: ● I will be fair, honest and consistent for all assessment Things which I will expect of you: ● You will attend lectures and explore the weekly study packs ● You will work on your project throughout the duration of the module Learning Contract
For many students (arguably most), aspects of this module may put you in situations that fall slightly outside of your comfort zone. Whilst not comfortable, this often results in excellent learning. To do: Read
To do: Complete Question Clinic Keep thinking about game (make sure it’s fun), possible team, development language Carefully read project development report Think about unpleasant truths document Today we explored: The types of game we might develop How the project is structured How the project is assessed Some unpleasant truths