06 INPUT AND OUTPUT Functional Programming. Streams Two kinds of streams  Character streams  Binary streams Character streams are Lisp objects representing.


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Presentation transcript:

06 INPUT AND OUTPUT Functional Programming

Streams Two kinds of streams  Character streams  Binary streams Character streams are Lisp objects representing sources and/or destinations of characters To read from or write to a file, you open it as a stream, but streams are not identical with files When you read or print at the toplevel, you also use a stream

Streams Default input is read from the stream *standard-input* Default output is write to *standard-output* Initially *standard-input* and *standard-output* will be the same place: a stream presenting the toplevel

Streams Make the file  > (setf path (make-pathname :name “myfile”)) #P”myfile” Open the file  > (setf str (open path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)) # Write to the stream  > (format str “Something~%”) NIL Close the stream  > (close str) NIL

Streams Read the file  Open a stream with :direction :input  > (setf str (open path :direction :input)) #  > (read-line str) “Something” with-open-file macro  > (with-open-file (str path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format str “Something~%”))  The stream is automatically closed

Input Most popular input functions  read-line  read > (progn (format t “Please enter your name: “) (read-line)) Please enter your name: Rodrigo de Bivar “Rodrigo de Bivar” NIL → is true only if read-line ran out of input before encountering a newline

Input (defun pseudo-cat (file) (with-open-file (str file :direction :input) (do ((line (read-line str nil ‘eof) (read-line str nil ‘eof))) ((eql line ‘eof)) (format t “~A~%” line)))) If you want input parsed into Lisp objects, use read  > (read) (a b c) (A B C)

Output Three simplest output functions  prin1  Generates output for programs  > (prin1 “Hello”) “Hello” “Hello”  princ  Generates output for people  > (princ “Hello”) Hello “Hello”  terpri  Prints a new line

Output format  > (format nil “Dear ~A, ~% Our records indicate…” “Mr. Malatesta”) “Dear Mr. Malatesta, Our records indicate…”  > (format t “~S ~A” “z” “z”) “z” z NIL

Output > (format nil “~10,2,0,’*, ‘ F” ) “ 26.22” Rounded to 2 decimal places With the decimal point shifted right 0 places Right-justified in a field of 10 characters Padded on the left by blanks If it is too long to fit in the space allowed by the first argument, the character * is printed > (format nil “~,2,,,F” ) “26.22” > (format nil “~,2F” ) “26.22”

Review – Function pointer in C 1#include 2 3using namespace std; 4 5void printArrayOdd(int* beg, int* end) { 6 while(beg != end) { 7 if ((*beg)%2) 8 cout << *beg << endl; 9 10 beg++; 11 } 12} 13 14void printArrayEven(int* beg, int* end) { 15 while(beg != end) { 16 if (!((*beg)%2)) 17 cout << *beg << endl; beg++; 20 } 21} 22

Review – Function pointer in C 23void printArrayGreaterThan2(int* beg, int* end) { 24 while(beg != end) { 25 if ((*beg)>2) 26 cout << *beg << endl; beg++; 29 } 30} 31 32int main() { 33 int ia[] = {1, 2, 3}; cout << "Odd" << endl; 36 printArrayOdd(ia, ia + 3); cout << "Even" << endl; 40 printArrayEven(ia, ia + 3); cout << "Greater than 2" << endl; 43 printArrayGreaterThan2(ia, ia + 3); 44} Execution results Odd 1 3 Even 2 Greater than 2 3

Review – Function pointer in C 1/**//* 2 (C) OOMusou Filename : FuntionPointer.cpp 5Compiler : Visual C / BCB 6.0 / gcc / ISO C++ 6Description : Demo how to use function pointer 7Release : 05/01/ */ 9#include 10 11using namespace std; 12 13typedef bool (*predicate)(int); 14 15bool isOdd(int i) { 16 return i%2? true : false; 17} 18 19bool isEven(int i) { 20 return i%2? false : true; 21} 22

Review – Function pointer in C 23bool greaterThan2(int i) { 24 return i > 2; 25} 26 27void printArray(int* beg, int* end, predicate fn) { 28 while(beg != end) { 29 if ((*fn)(*beg)) 30 cout << *beg << endl; beg++; 33 } 34} 35 36int main() { 37 int ia[] = {1, 2, 3}; cout << "Odd" << endl; 40 printArray(ia, ia + 3, isOdd); cout << "Even" << endl; 43 printArray(ia, ia + 3, isEven); cout << "Greater than 2" << endl; 46 printArray(ia, ia + 3, greaterThan2); 47} Execution results Odd 1 3 Even 2 Greater than 2 3

Review – Function pointer in C By using function pointer, C can pass a function as an argument to another function C++ and C# also provide similar idea  C++: Function object (Functor)  C# (pronounced as C sharp): Delegate But…., how to return a function?  C also could return a function pointer   However, it needs more complex consideration to write such a function with higher feasibility

Review – Closure Functional programming languages use “closures” to provide feasibility of functions, so that returning a function becomes easier and more practical (defun make-adder (n) #’(lambda (x) (+ x n))) → returns a function  (setf add3 (make-adder 3)) #  > (funcall add3 2) 5

Review > (list ‘my (+ 2 1) “Sons”) (MY 3 “Sons”) > (list ‘(+ 2 1) (+ 2 1)) ((+ 2 1) 3) > (cons ‘a ‘(b c d)) (A B C D) > (cons ‘a (cons ‘b nil)) (A B) > (car ‘(a b c)) A > (cdr ‘(a b c)) (B C)

Review > (setf x (list ‘a ‘b ‘c)) (A B C) > (setf (car x ) ‘n) N > x (N B C)

Review > (apply #’+ ‘(1 2 3)) 6 > (mapcar #’(lambda (x) (+ x 10)) ‘(1 2 3)) ( ) > (mapcar #’list ‘(a b c) ‘( )) ((A 1) (B 2) (C 3)) > (maplist #’(lambda (x) x) ‘(a b c)) ((A B C) (B C) (C))

Review > (member ‘b ‘(a b c)) (B C) > (member ‘(b) ‘((a) (b) (c))) NIL Why? Equal: the same expression? Eql: the same symbol or number? member compares objects using eql > (member ‘(a) ‘((a) (z)) :test #’equal) ;:test-> keyword argument ((A) (Z)) > (member ‘a ‘((a b) (c d)) :key #’car) ((A B) (C D))  Ask if there is an element whose car is a

Review > (subseq ‘(a b c d) 1 2) (B) > (every #’oddp ‘(1 3 5)) ;everyone is … T > (some #’evenp ‘(1 2 3)) ;someone is … T > (every #’> ‘(1 3 5) ‘(0 2 4)) T

Review Dotted list: is an n-part data structure  (A. B)  (setf pair (cons ‘a ‘b)) (A. B) > ‘(a. (b. (c. nil))) (A B C) > (cons ‘a (cons ‘b (cons ‘c ‘d))) (A B C. D)

Review make-array  > (setf arr (make-array ‘(2 3) :initial-element nil)) #  Maximum:  7 dimensions  Each dimension can have 1023 elements  Initial-element  Optional  Whole array will be initialized to this value  > (aref arr 0 0) NIL  > (setf (aref arr 0 0) ‘b) B  > (aref arr 0 0) ; access the array B

Review One-dimensional array  > (setf vec (make-array 4 :initial-element nil)) #(NIL NIL NIL NIL)  > (vector “a” ‘b 5 “c”) #(“a” B 5 “c”)  > (setf vec (vector “a” ‘b 5 “c”)) > (svref vec 1) ;access the vector (sv: simple vector) B String: a vector of characters > (sort “elbow” #’char<) “below” Retrieve an element of a string  > (aref “abc” 1) #\b  > (char “abc” 1) #\b

Review Replace elements of a stirng  > (let ((str (copy-seq “Merlin”))) (setf (char str 3) #\k) str) “Merkin” Compare two strings  > (equal “fred” “fred”) T  > (equal “fred” “Fred”) NIL  > (string-equal “fred” “Fred”) T Building strings  > (format nil “~A or ~A” “truth” “dare”) “truth or dare”  > (concatenate ‘string “not “ “to worry”) “not to worry”

Review > (progn (format t “a”) (format t “b”) ( ) ) ab 23 -> only the value of the last expression is returned > (block head (format t “Here we go.”) (return-from head ‘idea) (format t “We’ll never see this.”)) Here we go.

Review > (let ((x 7) (y 2)) (format t “Number”) (+ x y)) Number 9 > ((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 3) 4 (let ((x 2) (y (+ x 1))) (+ x y)) ((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 2 (+ x 1))

Review (if ) (if )  (when ) (if nil )  (unless )

Review cond (cond ( …) ( …) … ( …) );cond case (case ( …) ( …)... ( …) ) ;case

Review do (do (( ) ( ) … ( )) ( ) ) ;do > (let ((x ‘a)) (do ((x 1 (+ x 1)) (y x x)) ((> x 5)) (format t “(~A ~A) “ x y))) (1 A) (2 1) (3 2) (4 3) (5 4) ;on each iteration, x gets its previous NIL ;value plus 1; y also gets the previous ;value

Review do*  Has the same relation to do as let* does to let  > (do* ((x 1 (+ x 1)) (y x x)) ((> x 5)) (format t “(~A ~A) “ x y)) (1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (4 4) (5 5) NIL

Review dolist  > (dolist (x ‘(a b c d) ‘done) (format t “~A “ x)) A B C D DONE dotimes  > (dotimes (x 5 x) ; for x = 0 to 5-1, return x (format t “~A “ x))

Review Multiple values > (values ‘a nil (+ 2 4)) A NIL 6 (labels ((add10 (x) (+ x 10)) (consa (x) (cons ‘a x))) (consa (add10 3))) (A. 13) > (labels ((len (lst) (if (null lst) 0 (+ (len (cdr lst)) 1)))) (len ‘(a b c))) 3

Review (defun our-funcall (fn &rest args) (apply fn args)) > (defun keylist (a &key x y z) (list a x y z))

Review (defun disjoin (fn &rest fns) (if (null fns) fn (let ((disj (apply #’disjoin fns))) #’(lambda (&rest args) (or (apply fn args) (apply disj args)))))) > (mapcar (disjoin #’integerp #’symbolp) ‘(a “a” 2 3)) (T NIL T T)

Midterm exam  Time: April 21  Classroom: 資工所 ( 應用科學大樓 )/B1 演講廳