Christopher Columbus Admiral of the Ocean Sea
Christopher Columbus Biographical Data Born: 1451 in Genoa, Italy Sent by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain Died: May 20, 1506 in Valladolid, Spain
Christopher Columbus Reason for Exploring Thought that Japan and the Indies were much closer than they are. Inspired by writings of Marco Polo Explore a new route to the East Indies (Spice Islands). Would become Governor of any lands discovered. Keep 10% of wealth discovered.
Christopher Columbus His Voyage Three ships: –the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria A crew of about 90 men and boys The flagship Santa Maria, at 100 feet in length, was the largest of the three ships; the Niña and the Pinta were 70-foot caravels. Set sail on Aug 3, 1492 from port of Palos, Spain.
Christopher Columbus His 1 st Voyage Voyage into uncharted waters with 90 sailors. Made good time due to Trade winds, but it was much further than he thought. Had to ration food & drink. Stopped in Canary Islands for supplies. Kept 2 logbooks. 1 real and 1 for men showing less distance travelled. October 10 th crew became mutinous..wanted to turn back Oct 12 th Pinta fired cannon on seeing land. Landed in San Salvador in the Bahamas.
Christopher Columbus 1 st Voyage
Christopher Columbus Discoveries/Results Columbus brought back gold, parrots, pineapples and 6 ‘Indians’(he thought he’d reached India). Spain grew rich and powerful. Led to dispute with Portugal sorted by Treaty of Tordesillas. Spanish culture spread to new continent Explored Cuba and Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) Made three more voyages to explore the Caribbean region , ,
Christopher Columbus Opinion Did not “discover” America since many native peoples were already there. –Maybe they came from Asia –Maybe Vikings and other sailors came before him. Started commerce between Europe and Americas Was an excellent sailor and explorer.