L eaders in I mplementing F easible E nergy SYSTEMS Project Manager: Mindy Sanchez Lead Design: Stephen Arlington Market Executive: Joe Munchel Research Development: Lindsay Master AeroShade TM LIFE is bringing you green wind energy.
Problem Statement The goal of our team is to build and develop an architecturally appealing integrated wind system that can be either retrofitted to existing buildings or added to new buildings. This product will also utilize and incorporate existing C/S products and customer base.
Research HAWT (Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine) VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine) -Savonius -Giromill -Darrieus Wind Belt
Genzyme Science Center Framingham, MA 230,000-square-foot Worcester, MA: ◦ Average yearly wind speed: 10.9 mph
Mechanics of the AeroShade TM
Advantages of the AeroShade TM Easily retrofitted Aesthetically pleasing and discrete Uses Construction Specialties product CS Sun Control blades Customizability Substitute turbines with sun control blades
Return on Investment AeroShade TM Cost Calculator Uses Input Variables Cost per kWh Wind speed Number of Floors Building Area Sections of Aeroshade per Floor Years Installed Produces Cost/Output Results Output per Installment % Energy Reduction Energy Savings per Year Years to Payoff Initial Costs Profit/Deficit after X years Genzyme Science Center $ m/s 6 Floors 230,000 sqft 175 Sections After 20 Years… Return On Investment 90,300 kWh per Year 3.93% Reduction $15, years $166,400 Profit
References turbines-work.html turbine.php Generator.htm Generator.htm
Acknowledgements Construction Specialties John Klinger Thank you for the opportunity to work on this Design Project.