Informal Assessment Vietnam
Take out your notebook. Take out a sheet of paper and insert your name and Vietnam on it with today’s date. Write numbers skip a line between each. Answer the following questions. Insert the answers to the sheet.
Answer each question with a complete sentence-according to your notes. 1)Where is Vietnam Located? 2)Who governed Vietnam prior to the mid 50s? 3)Describe the governments of North and South Vietnam? 4)Who was the leader in the North? 5)Define a Hawk and a Dove. 6) What was Pres. Kennedy worried about? 7) How did the North get supplies to spies the south? 8) How did the Viet-Cong go undetected much of the time? 9) Describe what happened on college campuses (2-3 sentences) 10) What was American sentiment towards the war early 60s then later 60s?
Answer each question with a complete sentence-according to your notes. 11) What effect did television have on the war? 12)What was the Gulf Tonkin Resolution? 13) Who advised LBJ & what was his perspective? 14) What did LBJ want to be remembered for? 15) What is Vietnamization and who is it attributed to? 16) What is the MyLai Massacre? 17) What happened to Laos and Cambodia? 18) How do Americans honors P.O.W.s & M. I. A.s? 19 /20) Under LT- I can outline the war in Vietnam; in short, describe American responses to the war.