Appropriate Databases ► When searching for information you will use the school database. Klein Collins High School Klein Collins High School ► Username: kleincollinshs ► Password: tigers ► Gale Database only requires the password! ► Surfing the web for information will not be accepted!!!
Most Effective Databases ► EBSCO - Student Research Center ► N:\EBSCOandMore_workscited.pdf N:\EBSCOandMore_workscited.pdf ► N:\EBSCOandMore_workscited.doc N:\EBSCOandMore_workscited.doc ► Gale - Opposing Viewpoints, General One File, Student Resources in Context. ► Britannica - For background purposes only. ► SIRS –(Business, environment, global issues, human relations, family, and science)
Information for the Works Cited ► When documenting the source information, you will want to use to help with proper placement. ► ► Must save as a word document in order for it to set up properly. ► Information that has the works cited located at the bottom of the article can simply be cut/pasted. Still check to make sure it is correct.