Senior Seminar Final Presentation Megan Korimsak
Council Rock South Grade levels taught: 10 grade honors American History and 12 th grade Current Issues
My Best Lesson I think my best lesson was when my 10 th grade honors classes created their own Vietnam protest posters. After reviewing examples of “Dove” anti-war and “Hawk” pro-war posters students created their own and listened to Vietnam influenced music.
Classroom Management My principle classroom management technique is giving students respect. I found that if I respected the students they respected me. I also used my Wiki site, where I posted all classroom materials and projects so students had no excuse as to why they did not do an assignment. I also stuck to my due dates and guidelines which helped me stay organized.
Best Bulletin Boards My favorite bulletin boards were created around the unit on Vietnam the 10 th grade honors classes worked on. I was able to hang up their travel brochures, 1960’s news paper articles and protest posters.
Highlights of my Student Teaching experience The highlight of my Student Teaching experience was having Mr. Michel Train, a Vietnam Veteran come and talk to all my classes about his experiences during the war. We also had a Vietnamese cultural experience to wrap up the chapter on the Vietnam War. Both classes brought in food from the some of the countries involved in the war, and shared it with the class.
Video Taped Lessons Strengths: One of my strengths was creating a very open and comfortable classroom environment from the very beginning. Weaknesses that were improved: I improved on asking my classes higher level thinking questions to supplement my lesson instead of just asking “why” or “what do you think about this”?
Goals for future improvement My goals for the future are to continue reading, traveling, and learning about the different subjects I will be teaching. I will also be continuing my education to get a Masters and then a PHD in History.