Improving Patient Bed Wait time in Healthcare DATE: 19 NOVEMBER 2014 TEAM MEMBERS: PRIYANKA PRIYANKA. AHMAD ALMATROOD. TECH Analyze Phase
Project / Project Charter Review
Project Charter (continued)
Data Collection Summary We take 10 samples of the process time for having the beds clean and ready for the new patients. Descriptive Statistics After reviewing the statistics data and discussing with our customer, we decided to shift the mean to be 120 minutes.
Graphic representation
Critical to Quality Tree (CTQ)
Cause/Effect Matrix Sorted data Wait time to notification95 Knowledge of the process85 Wait time 80 Patient instruction sheet65 Instruction from RN60 Patient instruction text files55 Wait time between processes55 Instructions from RN38
Y=f(x's) statement From our analysis thus far we can interpret the wasted time in estimating (Y) is largely due to the two inputs(X’s). These inputs are the process that run the output. This relationship can be described by the function: Where: Y = Minimum wastage time in bed tracking system X1= Wait time to notification X2 = Knowledge of the process
Gantt chart
Conclusions Analyze phase. Process Inputs and Outputs. Process data. In conclusion: We conclude that we have issues with two steps in the process and that causes waste time on an average of 218 minutes. Wait time to notification. Knowledge of the process. Our goal is to reduce the time to be 120 minutes.
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