TechDis Tuesdays Free and Open Source Software
FOSS library user aids
TechDis A.T. genres Grouped by task rather than impairment: reading writing recording planning communication visualisation alternative interfaces
LetMeType: Lingoes: Dasher:
Audacity: Camstudio: Jing:
Xmind: FreeMind: RapidSet: * VuBar: * Virtual Magnifying Glass: * Denotes search for item on page (long list)
Free portable text to speech tools DSpeech Balabolka
Free TechDis Voices
JISC TechDis new FOSS pages ologymatters/enablingtech/FOSS ologymatters/enablingtech/FOSS
Questions for discussion 1. What are the barriers to widespread usage of these tools? Accessing exe files? How do we get around those? 2. Networking and/or portability? 3. How do we encourage uptake among staff / students? 4. Training on their use – how is this best effected? Youtube? 5. What other FOSS tools might be of interest? 6. Examples of deployment (institutional level)