College Update Fall 2013 Sarah A. Rajala Dean James & Katherine Melsa Professor of Engineering
ISU’s Resource Management Model is an incentive-based budgeting system that links resources and responsibilities in the academic colleges. Engineering's day-to-day operations are funded by tuition, state appropriations, fees, and indirect cost recovery from research. Salaries and benefits for faculty and staff Utilities, facilities and maintenance Equipment Supplies and services Research projects are primarily supported by external grants and contracts. Private gifts create a margin of excellence in our student, faculty, facility and academic programs. Engineering Finances at a Glance
The college balanced an $86M general fund revenue and expense budget. This is $11M larger than last year, including $4M that is available for direct costs. Tuition revenues have been increased by $9M. State appropriations have increased by $2M. Indirect cost recovery is expected to decrease by $400,000. The administrative overhead charge on service accounts has been eliminated. New financial investments have been funded with a combination of new revenues and reallocations. FY2014 Budget Highlights
Overall, the CoE's eight academic departments’ general fund budgets have increased by $5M. New, flexible summer tuition, differential tuition, and technology fee revenues have been allocated to departments based on their enrollments and student credit hours taught. 17 new faculty searches have been authorized. A 2.5% raise pool was provided to fund the institutional policy and improve salary competitiveness relative to our peers. FY2014 Budget Highlights
50% 35% 11%4% CoE’s FY2014 General Fund Revenue Budget $86 Million
Engineering’s Budgets for Academic Departments and Administration $32.6 $15.4 $35.5 $39.1 $44.0 $48.6 $15.5 $12.4 $11.4$10.9
CoE Highlights Record-setting enrollment of undergraduates continue 16 new faculty were hired this year, and 17 searches are underway College’s key performance indicators have been updated Construction of the $74 million ABE complex underway – completion planned for June 1, 2014 Renovation of Marston Hall approved, plans being completed, and construction to begin in July 2014 Successful ABET visit – Thank you to one and all!
$67.5 $70.6 $74.4 $78.5 $83.9 Engineering Research Expenditures
Engineering Undergraduate Enrollment *Estimated
Engineering Graduate Enrollment *Estimated
52% 26% 22% 36%52% 12% Engineering Student Residency
$22.0* $23.2 $20.9 $9.0 $21.0 Engineering Private Philanthropy Millions ($)
Goals for Continue to deliver a high quality education to our students Increase the number of faculty by 17 Develop a new model for Engineering Online to encourage growth, new pedagogical development and sustainability Develop a new plan for renovation and expansion of CoE space Increase the number of graduate students who have been enrolled or accepted admission by 5% Expand research portfolio and increase expenditures by 7.5% Raise $22M in new private gifts
Engineering Facilities Update