Finance and Infrastructure Subcommittee Financing Recommendations
U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration Financing Recommendations Authorize TIGER (Transportation Investment Generates Economic Recovery Grants) for small-starts and projects of national and regional significance for mega- projects on a permanent basis with guaranteed funding at current levels or greater o Revenue Distribution Mechanism o Mode: Multi-modal
U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration Financing Recommendations Ensure 100% of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund is used for its original purposes with expanded qualifying activities o Revenue Distribution Mechanism o Mode: Waterways Restore purchasing power of the gas and diesel tax via a 8.5 cent increase and index both to inflation o Revenue Collection Mechanism o Mode: Surface Transportation
U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration Financing Recommendations Replace fuel taxes with a road user tax based on how many miles motorists travel on public roads o Revenue Collection Mechanism o Mode: Surface Transportation Creation of a Federal Freight Trust Fund – $6 billion per year for 20 years o Revenue Distribution Mechanism o Mode: Multi-modal
U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration Financing Recommendations Increase funding for competitive grant program for megaprojects of regional and national significance o Revenue Distribution Mechanism o Mode: Multi-modal Apply a user fee of a percentage of the cost of the transportation of goods o Revenue Collection Mechanism o Mode: Multi-modal Increase fuel tax paid by barge industry 6 to 9 cents per gallon o Revenue Collection Mechanism o Waterways