Canadian Inventions Grade 8 History S. Skelton
Trivial Pursuit Chris Haney and Scott Abbott
The Paint Roller Norman Breakey
The CPR Mannequin Dianne Croteau
The Jetliner James Floyd
Standard Time Sandford Fleming
Zippers Gideon Sundback
The Electric Lightbulb Henry Woodward
5-Pin Bowling T.E. Ryan
IMAX Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor, and Robert Kerr
Canadarm SPAR Aeronautics and the National Aeronautical Establishment
Electron Microscope Eli Franklin Burton, Cecil Hall, James Hillier, and Albert Prebus
Basketball James Naismith
Prosthetic Hands Helmut Lucas
The Snowmobile Joseph Armand Bombardier
The Goalie Mask Jacques Plante
The Odometer Samuel McKeen
The Insulin Process Frederick Banting, JJ MacLeod, Charles Best
Lawn Sprinklers Elijah McCoy
Anti-Gravity Suits Wilbur Rounding Franks
Walkie-Talkies Donald Hings
Jolly Jumpers Olivia Poole
Garbage Bags Harry Wasylyk
Kerosene Abraham Gesner
Snow Blowers Arthur Sicard
Acrylics/Plexiglass William Chalmers
Heart Pacemaker John A Hopps and Wilfred Bigelow
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell
You will select an important Canadian who has contributed to technology in the 20 th century (1900s). You will research this Canadian and complete a biography, outlining his or her most important work, and explain how his or her contributions have changed life as we know it. You will work independently on this – no partners or groups. Your Assignment: