Assessment matters: original assessment for original student work Dr Erica Morris Senior Adviser Academic Integrity Service The Higher Education Academy
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies Robust, linked-up policies and guidelines Staff development Programme or subject level support Supporting students skills development Approaches and strategies 2
Reasons and explanations Why students might plagiarise University policies or guidelines are not clear Students might know about policies, but not read or understand them Students lack skills in planning, organisation and time management Students have under-developed skills for information literacy and learning Students not interested in learning or subject area Teaching is uninspiring, assessment tasks are seen as pointless Students have difficulties with academic writing Students not understanding citation and referencing Other students are plagiarisingThey dont think theyll get caught Sutherland-Smith (2008, pp172-73); Power (2009) 3
Supporting academic integrity: approaches and resources for higher education Policy works: recommendations for reviewing policy to manage unacceptable academic practice in higher education Guidance publications 4
Directions Evaluation and assessing impact Assessment tasks minimising plagiarism Academic integrity initiatives Students conceptions of learning Study practices (e.g. note-making) Academic and personal integrity Student perspectives Assessment practice Wikis, blogs, forums Implications for academic integrity Web tools for assessment 5
Power, L. G. (2009) University Students Perceptions of Plagiarism. The Journal of Higher Education, 80, 6, Sutherland-Smith, W. (2008) Plagiarism, the internet and student learning: improving academic integrity. London: Routledge. Waycott, J., Gray, K., Clerehan, R., Hamilton, M., Richardson, J., Sheard, J. and Thompson, C. (2010) Implications for academic integrity of using web 2.0 for teaching, learning and assessment in higher education. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 6(2), References 6