AP Language GENERAL ARGUMENT Test Strategy Olson and Bailey
A Value Question What are your values? What do you think society should value? What should a moral, thoughtful, or reflective society consider its most important strengths?
The Basics The prompt is set-up by a passage of some length, long or short. The passage provides an opinion You must agree, disagree, or qualify based on your own experience and reading Plan this essay first
Recent Topics How do blogs and radio talk shows encourage or discourage the democratic process How US wealth could be better used to foster development in emerging countries Whether US society pries too much into lives of private citizens Whether money can purchase justice Charitable acts and their motivations
Identify the Claim Understand the claim being made Need to perceive the larger social context and express feelings about it Use examples from your own experience
Starting the Essay 1.Critically read the passage and underline anything that clearly defines the author’s claim 2.Set forth your immediate reaction to the issue in a few words –ADQ 3.List viable, thoughtful examples you can use to help illustrate your argument Examples in the essay should be included with elaboration and commentary, identifying their relevance to and importance in your argument.
Sample List Create a sample list of works and experiences to draw upon when you are considering your argument –Books, movies, TV shows, current events, history lessons, personal experiences Example: American obsession with wealth –The Great Gatsby, Madoff scandal, The Color of Money, Wall Street, Federal Bailout, Golden Age, European Colonization
Writing the Essay 1.Identify and restate the fundamental claim and then indicate to the grader whether you intend to agree, disagree, or qualify 2.Be clear in the discussion of positives and negatives 3.Presentation of evidence with commentary about quality and meaning 4.Summarizing statement Remember: Formulate Opinion - Explain Evidence Finish the Essay