The Political Spectrum
Role of Government Central Debate: The role of government. Freedom vs. Protection Is it the role of govt to get involved in personal issues? Is it the role of govt to help people? Is the role of govt to help or regulate business? How much freedom should I receive? How much intervention do I expect?
Left Wing Liberal: Overview Personal issues Economic issues Government should not interfere with personal choice. not censor the expression of the people. aid in creating equality. help people who need it. regulate business in our mixed market.
Right wing Conservative : Overview Personal issues Economic issues Government should preserve the traditional values of America. protect American families by regulating non-traditional behavior. serve no role in interfering with the free market. reduce its size and its regulatory role over business.
Abortion Liberal Pro-choice About freedom: “my body, my choice” Fetus, not baby Separation of church/state Prevents black market Rape, incest, mother’s life threatened Unfit mothers Conservative Pro-Life About protecting life of unborn Thou shall not kill Fetuses feel pain Robbing society of hero... Adoption Psychological trauma
Illegal Immigration Liberal Tolerant Land of immigrants Lower labor costs Take unwanted jobs Lower consumer prices Children citizens Naturalization path slow and costly Amnesty Conservative Intolerant “illegal”, period. Take jobs Homeland security Burden on education Burden on health costs Crime overcrowding
War Liberal Passive Doves Use diplomacy Cause backlash (911) Collateral damage Cost in lives Cost in dollars Conservative Aggressive War Hawks Deterrent to challenge Spread democracy Liberate people from oppression Resources Image
Same Sex Marriage Liberal For Equality New civil rights movement Brings revenue to states Aids in adoptions Basic spousal rights like med benefits and hospital visits No such thing as traditional marriage Conservative Anti Want amendment to declare marriage is m/f Fear moral erosion Suspect fraud for benefits Religious sanctity of marriage It violates traditional values Slippery slope: polygamy, interspecies marriage
Universal Health Care Liberal Public (Govt run) Millions uninsured Private practices questionable: Regulations needed Pre existing conditions Drop dead limits 3 deny policies Make a healthier public Affordable with other cuts Conservative Private Individual’s responsibility to get care Eliminates freedom of choice Tax increases Increases the size of government Fear of poor quality
Death Penalty Liberal Against Life imprisonment Immoral to kill Two wrongs… Rehabilitation Violates the 8 th Amdt Wrongful executions Racial bias Conservative For Deterrent to crime Eliminates possibility of escape or parole Closure Equal justice: Eye for an Eye Cost effective Prison overcrowding
Gun Control Liberal For regulation Convenience of killing Child shootings(home) Creates more fatal altercations Mass murders Columbine Virginia Tech Ft Hood AuroraTheater “Dark Knight” Sandy Hook Elementary DC Sniper Regulation saves lives Current regulation victories Conservative Against regulation 2 nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms NRA Self protection Personal rights Criminals will still obtain guns Slippery slope: “home invasion” hunters
Social Security Liberal Public Trust govt more than private markets Private markets volatile System can be fixed Increase retirement age Increase contribution Reduce benefit Conservative Private Invest in private accounts Government irresponsible Better investment for retiree Reduce size of govt
Axis: Personal issues Less Govt (more freedom)More Govt (less freedom) LC
Axis: Economic issues Less Govt (more freedom)More Govt (less freedom) LC
C (e) C (p) L (e) L (p) personalpersonal economic
Lib Con Ideologies in the Parties Democratic PartyRepublican Party (GOP) If there are degrees of variance within each party, then all Democrats can’t be alike and all Republicans can’t be alike.