Personal Development Plans: setting the scene The one-stop shop for the HE Progress File
ORIGINS OF THE HE PROGRESS FILE Dearing HE Inquiry : Recommendation 20 We recommend that Institutions of Higher Education, over the medium term, develop a Progress File. The File should consist of two elements: A transcript recording student achievement which should follow a common format devised by institutions collectively through their representative bodies; A means by which students can monitor, build and reflect upon their personal development (personal development planning/recording). National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, 1997
Personal Development Planning Activity/process to improve own learning Personal Development Records Information owned by the student Transcript Information owned by the institution Processes for recording learning and achievement, and guidance systems to support PDP Opportunities for developing and practising PDP and for recording the results of learning Creative use of information and PDP skills by students as they interact with the world outside HE THE CONCEPT OF THE HE PROGRESS FILE
Personal Development Planning defined: a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. Policy Intentions: to help students: become more effective, independent and confident self-directed learners; understand how they are learning and relate their learning to a wider context; improve their general skills for study and career management; articulate their personal goals and evaluate progress towards their achievement; and encourage a positive attitude to learning throughout life. 5 year lead-in-time (2005/06 start date) for the implementation of policy across the whole system and for all HE awards. This will enable PDP to be designed into programmes as they are reviewed PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING
REACTIONS TO PDP: Another: Load of educational jargon. Job to do. Form filling, paper-pushing activity. Demand from the QAA. Distraction from why I am here. Activity the students dont want. But (there is another way…)
REACTIONS TO PDP: AN ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVE Something we are doing already, so.. not a new idea, but a mainstream academic process. Offers coherence to a range of contexts. Technology can serve and support the process, but... A central/local policy balance, so customisable frameworks' for practice. Needs student responsibility and staff involvement/support.
WHERE FROM HERE? Audit existing practice/build upon existing expertise. Be clear what is it we want to achieve through PDP, and what to avoid. Be clear on costs and workloads: are we taking about: Embedding PDP in the curriculum Replacing existing activities with new ones based around PDP New build' - adding PDP on top of existing provision?