Tshwane, South Africa’s Capital 2055: “ Four Decades of Game Changing ” By Msizi Myeza OBO Deputy City Manager: Ms Lindiwe Kwele 23 August 2012
Content Part 1: Background and introduction Part 2: Paradigm shift, conceptual framework and Principles Part 3: Economic outlook and recent global developments Part 4: The GDS outreach process and process plan
Introduction Tshwane, South Africa’s Capital 2055 (Tshwane 2055) strategy formulation process Analysis of the levels of challenges, weaknesses and threat Demographics shift, urbanization, and migration; Resource (energy and water) security; Poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment, and inequality; Youth bulge, mobility challenges; and Seismic global economic shifts; Climate change issues; Spatial fragmentation; Weak institutions
Part 1: Setting the scene and Key drivers of change: Opportunities Opportunities and assets and strengths : Strong knowledge and science base (Innovation capital) Youthful City Economic infrastructure investment potential Urban Agriculture potential Green economy opportunities Tshwane as a Capital city of the South Africa Headquarters of embassies Innovation centre Concentration of academic institutions -academic belt
Part 2: What is a Tshwane, South Africa’s Capital 2055 ? Tshwane 2055 is NOT a plan. It is an aspirational long term strategy framework aimed at galvanising resources and stakeholders within which shorter term actions can meaningfully take place towards a shared vision. It defines the City’s chosen development path for the city Informed by the Freedom Charter (1955), the RDP (1994) and the South African Constitution
Part 2: Successful Cities and long term planning Long-term planning to facilitate growth Successful cities address the needs of the poor Provide high quality of living experiences Well connected, well governed and well managed Bankable- financially sound and creditworthy Issues of fiscal sustainability at the fore
Part 2: Tshwane, SA’s Capital 2055 Principles Tshwane 2055 strategy guiding principles Spatial reengineering, curbing sprawl and densification Diversified and shared economic development Safe and healthy City for all Revenue security and financial sustainability Social cohesion, inclusion and diversity Service delivery excellence and innovation Integrated economic, social and environmental strategies Participation, engaged citizenry, collaboration and partnerships
Part 2: Government- wide Outcomes Based Approach Tshwane 2055 IDP Business & Operational plans SDBIP/CIF
Part 2: Tshwane, SA’s Capital 2055 Policy and strategy emphasis shifts Areas of focus: Modernising the administration Infrastructure-led development From a concentration on individual household infrastructure to balanced investing in community benefit infrastructure & individual households Celebrating Tshwane a National Capital & Repositioning the Inner City Create opportunities for social mobility and liveability Ensuring municipal financial fundamentals as platforms for services & development Develop green and knowledge based economy Each policy proposals, will outline actions or processes that need to occur
Part 2: Key Thematic Focus Areas Governance Health and poverty Economic growth Natural resources Sustainable Environment :-Transition to a low carbon economy Transport Liveable communities Community safety Smart city
Part 3: Economic outlook and recent global developments Global economic activity is weakening after picking up in quarter 1 of the 2012; a “soft patch”, but the risk of another recession remains significant Manufacturing activity, a key driver of global economy, is weak A pattern of global growth, characterised by: Growth in the US and emerging economies is positive, but the pace of growth is weak Europe and the UK are contracting Emerging economies remain the leading growth drivers Key risks Fiscal difficulties in peripheral Eurozone countries – spreading to core economies! Unemployment rates remain high
Part 3: Most problematic factors for doing business in South Africa ( ) Source: World Bank Study Cost of Doing Business, 2010/11
Part 3: Gauteng’s Economic Profile Gauteng comprises 1.4% of RSA land mass. contribute 34% to the national GDP,. has 11,2 million people of RSA 50 million. Contributes 10% to Africa’s GDP,. Is the 5 th largest economy after Nigeria Egypt, RSA, Algeria Is the economic and Industrial Hub of the African Continent
Part 3: Gauteng Chasing after a Moving Target EC: 50,087 FS: 21,773 GP: 367,076 KZN: 59,625 LP: 131,879 MP: 57,035 NC: 3,645 NW: 51,886 WC: -8,854 Net Migration To/From Gauteng by Provinces, Between 2006 & 2011, Gauteng experienced a net inflow of approximately 367,076 people. Highest net migration came from Limpopo Immigration growth rates shows a positive rate for all population groups except for the White population group, thus signifying an outflow of the White population from Gauteng.
Part 3: Gauteng Regional Sectoral Comparative Advantage It is also important to understand the comparative advantages that Gauteng has from a sectoral perspective. This can be described using a Location Quotient, which simply provides a relative indication of whether a sector is competitive in relation to the rest of the South African economy. Gauteng’s Metro’s AgricMiningManufElectrConstructionTransportTradeFinance Comm- Service Ekurhuleni COJ Tshwane
Part 3:Economic Performance-Gauteng Regions : GDP by Municipalities
Part 3: Socio economic issues for Tshwane Poverty levels: Lowest poverty rates within the province Reduced by approximately 2% in the last four years; significant considering population absolutes poverty estimate at 20.5%, lower than the S.A. rate Income inequality The largest Gini co-efficient globally CoT has the lowest Gini co-efficient within Gauteng Also lower than the country average Household income by group has improved Alarming trend concerning number of people without income Tshwane exhibits the highest HDI factor within Gauteng Higher than the SA average. Decreased from 0.7 in 2006 to 0.67 in 2010.
Part 3: The City of Tshwane in the Gauteng City Region State of the art ICT technology Automotive Supply Park Research & Development Support (CSIR, Innovation Hub, TIA) Leading training institutes Favorable cost of doing business Home to 190 component suppliers Established Road, Rail & Air infrastructure. Outstanding Business Services (Conference venues) World class Financial & Banking Systems Variety of tourist attractions Politica Capital of South Africa National Government Support (Dti, DED, DOL,DS&T) Automotive Industry Development Centre Largest portion of skilled workforce Home to 4 of the 8 OEM Assemblers Gauteng Government Support (GEDA, GEP, Blue IQ) Have the second highest Number of Embassies after Washington DC
Part 4: Stakeholder Outreach Process: 1 August – 16 September This campaign is a call for Citizens Participation in shaping the future of the city. The Tshwane 2055 draft has been distributed to communities & stakeholders for Input. Community Hall Debates on each theme are currently unfolding which are addressed by theme Expert Leaders/Commissioners and political principals. Efforts to ensure feedback loops by various MMCs as well as Ward Councillors is currently. We take every input seriously to ensure that Citizens can see their aspirations reflected in the final outcome.
Part 5: Our Key considerations A vital economy and a prosperous community will depend on the collaboration of various stakeholders For the City of Tshwane we believe that the following are some of the necessary interventions: Transforming the Tshwane economy Sustainable employment creation Economic transformation ito ownership Human capital development Research and developing as a lever for economic growth Sustainable communities and social cohesion Good governance and innovation
Part 4: Broad questions framing our economic growth engagements What other economic development challenges could the City face in 2055? How can the City become diversify its economy? What economic sectors should the City of Tshwane prioritize going forward? What interventions can the City implement to support SMMEs? How can the City improve the opportunities for the residents of the City to gain employment and improve income levels? What can the City do to become more business friendly? How should Tshwane 2055 support the skills development to increase the City’s competitiveness?
A Tshwane 2055 Microsite has been created on Facebook page: Twitter Written feedback may be sent to: Msizi Myeza or Or