Medieval manor This was the area owned by a lord All the land belonged to the lord The land that the lord kept for himself… …was called the demesne
Things in the manor The manor house or castle Serfs’ house A forge A water mill Church Bailiffs house River and Forest
Life in a village A blacksmith worked in a forge Made nails, axes, horseshoes Miller worked in mill He ground the peasants wheat into flour Made bread
The land Called an open-field system Split into two Big meadow called the commons Other part was fields for crops
The Commons Big meadow No crops All animals belonging to the peasants grazed there
The Open Fields 3 large fields divided into strips (lines) Each peasant owned a strip in each field Crops were rotated each year in each field Oats and barley, then wheat, then left fallow Every 3 years, one field left fallow The ground had to be rested to keeps its fertility
Life in the manor – peasant houses 2 rooms – 1 eating, 1 sleeping Made of wattle and daub Thin braces weaved together for frame – wattle Mud plastered onto it for warmth – daub Thatched roof with straw Animals slept in house in winter
Peasant clothes Made their own clothes Grew flax – women wove into linen Spun wool Women – long dress Scarf called wimple Shoes were leather stockings – no soles Men – woolen tunics with belt
Peasant’s food Only ate meat on special occasions Why? Too expensive Ate bread, cheese Pottage (soup with porridge) Drank ale Water too dirty to drink
Pastimes No work on Sundays Board games – noughts and crosses, draughts Wrestling and bearbaiting Hoodsman blind
Life of a peasant Very hard – worked in fields Serfs had to also work on lords fields Spent most of their day working in fields Sowed crops in spring Harvested it with scythe Looked after their veg garden behind their house Looked after their animals on commons
Tithe Paid a tithe to parish priest 1/10 of their salary Also taxes to the lord
Law and order A bailiff worked for the lord Made sure peasants paid rent and tax Also looked after law and order Peasants poached from orchard or forest Or started fights
Serfs Serfs might run away If a serf ran, and lasted a year and a day… …he became a freeman Also, accused people could run into a church Could not be arrested there Called ‘sanctuary’
Punishment Bailiff brought people to lord’s manor house Lord decided punishment Common punishment – stocks For petty criminals Hands and legs locked in Left in public People jeered and threw rubbish at them Or pillory Persons hands and head locked in
Other punishments Thief – hand cut off Gossiping women – ducking stool No prisons Dungeons – castle used for captured soldiers only Serious criminals were publicly hanged
VOCAB REVISION – What are these words? Sanctuary Tithe Wattle and daub Serf Fallow Pillory Bailiff Forge
Vocab revison (2) ‘Hoodsman blind’ The commons Pottage Wimple Demesne Tunic Stocks
Revision questions 1. Explain the open-field system. 2. Write about a peasant’s diet. 3. Describe the job of a bailiff.