Increase in Online Advertising in Germany By: Emily Pope Period:2 Quarter:1 IB German V
“A new forecast from the Online-Vermarkterkreis (OVK) sees spending on Internet display advertising rising between 8% and 9% in Germany during 2010.” (from Brighter Outlook for Germany’s Display Advertising Market) Advertisers were also more willing to use online advertising compared to previous years. Also, the increased number of people on the internet in Germany spurred the increase in online advertising.
Because of the information shown in the graph, it is easier to see that the internet has become a major part of life for pretty much every age group. This also helps explain the increase in online advertising.
In 2009, the growth of online advertising had risen to 7% from 5% in the previous year. This caused the trend of declining advertising budgets in Germany to pretty much disappear. This also caused advertisers to purchase more online advertising space due to the lower cost and greater viewing audience.
“By the year 2008, classic display advertising captured a share of close to 5% of total advertising expenditure in Germany.” (from Online advertising in Germany: Ray of light in the crisis) The total amount spent on online advertising in 2008 was close to EUR 2.25 billion (2.25 billion Euros).
The advertisers have been experimenting with different kinds of video ads in response to the spike in both internet use and advertising in general. Many companies are also using behavioral tests in order to produce more effective advertisments.
Overall, the increase in internet use has affected the internet advertising market. The recent spike in use has sparked a new generation in advertisement in Germany.
1.) During which year was the 8-9% increase in internet advertising suspected to happed? A.) 2009 B.) 3745 C.) 2010 2.) What year had a 5% increase in internet advertising? A.) 2008 B.) 2009 C.) 2010
1.) C 2.) B
PROD/PROD /Online+advertising+in+Ger many%3A+Ray+of+light+in+the+crisis.pdf PROD/PROD /Online+advertising+in+Ger many%3A+Ray+of+light+in+the+crisis.pdf outlook-germanys-display-advertising-market/ outlook-germanys-display-advertising-market/ ed/bird_bird/pub_de.pdf ed/bird_bird/pub_de.pdf