Spring 2006 Writing SOL Training Session Steve Wall Division Director of Testing February 21, 2006 SBO-Boardroom
Pre-Test Activities Receive Non Secure materials Notify Ms. Stickel if extra materials are needed Receive Secure materials from the DDOT Verify that the transmittal form numbers are correct Notify Ms. Stickel of missing or extra materials Store secure materials in a secure location Train Examiners Have a written agenda Keep a roster of attendance Contact the DDOT if questions arise that you need help answering. Schedule test sessions Make sure special education sessions are scheduled in accordance with student IEPs.
Pre-Test Activities When material packages are opened carefully count the materials. Check the appropriate box on the package cover sheet. If there is a discrepancy please note this on the cover sheet and make sure that this cover sheet is seen during the check-in. Complete the School Quantity Discrepancy Report
Day of testing Check out materials Complete either the Examiner’s/Proctor’s Test Booklet Transmittal Form/Affidavit or Writing Prompt Transmittal Form/Affidavit depending on the section of the SOL being administered. Examiners should verify the number of materials received and initial the form before leaving the room. Monitor the test sessions Contact the DDOT if irregularities arise Check-in materials Verify that the number of materials checked out are returned. Initial the forms. The person checking out the materials must be the same person returning the materials. Place secure materials in a secure location
Post Test Activities Complete make up tests Pack answer document Make careful counts Group and band by teacher with a separate SSID sheet for each teacher Pack test booklets Make careful counts Pack writing prompts Make careful counts Complete all proper forms Have the principal sign the school affidavit Complete the master file sheet Gather all forms that must be submitted at division check-in Schedule a check-in time with Ms. Stickel On date of scheduled check-in; return answer documents, test materials and required forms.
Schedule March 7, 2006 Administer the multiple choice portion of the test. High Schools may administer this portion of the test during the student’s regular English class. March 8, 2006 a.m. Administer the direct writing portion of the test March 9-13, 2006 Elementary and middle schools Begin to administer make-up sessions. Make up sessions should use the alternate forms of the multiple choice test booklets and the direct writing prompts. March 14-15, 2006 All schools: Check-in answer documents and test materials
Schedule continued: Second Chance Seniors High Schools only March 9, 2006 a.m. Administer the alternate writing prompt to students needing a verified English writing credit in order to graduate prior to August 31, March 7, 2006 (p.m.), March 8, 2006 (p.m.), March 9, 2006 (p.m.) or March 10, 2006 Administer the alternate form of the multiple choice section to students needing a verified English writing credit in order to graduate prior to August 31, Second chance testing is optional…it is strongly suggested but cannot be required.