PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Job Hazards Y es Job Hazards Y es Access and EgressMoving Parts Activities of OthersNoise Adverse WeatherRail Movement Chemical ExposureSharp Edges ElectricitySlips, Trips, and Falls FatigueStatic Electricity Fire and ExplosionTrip Injuries Ground ContaminationTrapped Pressure Manual HandlingWorking at Height Other: References / Documents ASTM D 5191 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-PT of 2 Vapor Pressure by Grabner CCA-VPS EnvironmentalSpecial Instructions Vapor Pressure by Grabner CCA-VPS IMPORTANT: Vapor pressure determination must be performed on the first test specimen withdrawn from sample container. 1Cool sample in ice bath to 32-34°F (approximately 30 minutes). 2Remove sample from bath and wipe dry. 3 Verify that sample container is 70-80% full: 4 Unseal cap momentarily before resealing it so that samples in transparent containers are treated the same as samples in nontransparent containers. 5Return sample to ice bath for 2 minutes. 6 Once sample temperature is again 32-34°F, remove container from bath, wipe dry, remove cap taking care that no water enters, reseal and shake vigorously before returning to bath for 2 minutes. 7Repeat Step 6 twice more. 8Insert adapter end(s) of sampling tube(s) into sample port(s) (on right side of instrument). EquipmentMaterials and Reagents Ice Bath (32 – 34°F) Grabner CCA-VPS Vapor Pressure Analyzer Vacuum Pump Citizen Printer (CMB-910) 2.2 – Dimethylbutane (≥ 99% purity) Toluene Scope / Objective This procedure covers the determination of the total vapor pressure of petroleum samples using the EPA formula. This method is suitable for liquids exerting a vapor pressure between 1 and °F. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By:
AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-PT of 2 Vapor Pressure by Grabner CCA-VPS Continued 9Unscrew knurled nut to remove waste reservoir from left side of instrument. 10Place tubing from vacuum pump over waste port. 11Ensure vacuum pump has sufficient oil. 12From starting display, the cursor is on “ * measuring”; press task button. 13Turn on vacuum pump and observe pressure reading (bottom right of display screen). 14Ensure pressure drops to 0.03 psi or less. 15Turn off pump, disconnect tubing and reattach waste reservoir. 16 Input sample information (using arrow keys): a.Move cursor to “number: #.#” – enter sample port # in the first # position. b.The second # position is for the desired number of measurements (ex., “number: 3.2” means the sample in position 3 of the sampler will be measured 2 times). c.To give sample a particular name, shift cursor to “ * name” and press Task. i.The number # after name is the port position on the multi-sampler (1-6) and should be changed for each port position (sample name). ii.To select sample name from list, shift cursor to # position to right side of display and scroll through list using arrow keys; once desired name is located, shift cursor from # position to one of the letters of the name and press “Task”. iii.To create a new sample name, place cursor on letters in sample name in the “name:# XXXXXXX” field and use arrow keys to shift through various numbers and letters of the alphabet. (Holding down RUN together with ↑ or ↓ key allows scrolling through alphabet in steps of 10 letters at a time.) iv.Continue adding sample names and updating sampler position until all sample names have been entered. 17Immerse sampling tube(s) into sample(s) ensuring order corresponds to sample info entered previously. 18Press RUN button to begin measurement(s). 19Results are printed automatically as each sample analysis is completed. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: