Subject Unit NTCL Subject Unit NTCL Subject Unit NTCL
“ROOF” OF THE PROGRAM “Results with direct value/impact in the labor market ($) = Only Skills and Problem Solutions “FLOOR” OF THE PROGRAM = Basic Competences: Reading, Writing, basic math knowledge and fundamental mathematic operations; basic knowledge on Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics). Only the ones mentioned are considered or clearly inferred from the norm. “BODY” OF THE PROGRAM = “Learning Results”: Skills, Problem Solving, Knowledge, Disposition towards action (Values, attitude, habits) Program: RESULTS from Basic Competences
“Results with direct value/impact in the labor market” ($) Crucial Products and Dexterity – They imply skills (to develop known procedures that have a value by themselves or generate products that have them) and Problem Solving – Capacity to generate variables to known procedures; they also have value by themselves or generate products that have them. “Learning Results” Procedures that do not have a direct value/impact in the labor market, but are indispensable to learn to develop those that have such an impact. Definition of “RESULT”
Skills (S) Problem Solving (PS) Knowledge (K) Dexterity (D) Disposition for Action (DA) Values (v) Attitudes (a) Habits (h) LEARNING CATEGORIES IMPLIED IN THE RESULTS
Conventional Definition of SKILL Capacity to develop a PROCEDURE Previously established Intellectually controls, which means that: The competent person: Has done it knowingly Can describe it with words Can make decisions about it
Learning elements Of the SKILL SITUATION: Description of circumstances in which the procedure can be applied RESTRICTIONS: Description of circumstances in which the procedure should not be applied (Counter-indications) EQUIPMENT / TOOLS / MATERIALS: List of resources required to develop the procedure ALTERNATIVE EQUIPMENT / TOOLS / MATERIALS: Known substitutions for Resources generally used GENERAL ROAD Identification of its steps and sequence KNOWN VARIATIONS TO GEENRAL STEPS + factors for decision making PROBABLE ERRORS Identification of areas where steps are usually omitted, added or substituted
Generation of known procedures to generate new products, or new procedures to generate known products. Defition of PROBLEM SOLVING
Learning Elementos for PROBLEM SOLVING. Description of known situation Identification of possible variables of the known situation Description of known procedure Identification of possible variations to the known procedure Description of known cause – effect relationships Identification of possible variables to the known cause – effect relationships
Conventional Definition of KNOWLEDGE Memorization of DATA Names (Brands; components or substances; categories; specifications of any kind) Figures (Codes; Numbers; Quantities (Longitude Weight; Volume) Creation of CONCEPTS
DATA INFORMATION RELATED TO THE FUNCTION THAT THE PERSON REQUIRES TO EFFICIENTLY DEVELOP THE JOB AND, CONSEQUENTLY, SHOULD BE STORED IN THE LONG TERM MEMORY. Examples: Names of components, substances, equipments, etc. Brands Categories Quantities (longitude, weight or volume of products) Prices; Specifications, etc.
Learning elements for DATA Contextualization: (Associations that promote Significant learning: why was it established?, where does it come from?, to which system does it belong? what does it imply? What does it mean? In which language? Actions that promote memorization: Recognition, Repetition, Presentation in different contexts.
Conventional defintion of CONCEPT Notion that can be named and also defined or explained, and allows the competent person to act in a differentiated manner in specific cases, depending on its category. Practically all skills imply concepts.
Learning elements of CONCEPTS TERM: Word or phrase with which to define the concept. (To learn it: etymology, synonyms, antonymous, repetition) DEFINITION. Enunciation of critical characteristics or definitions of the concept (differentiating between relevant or important, but not crucial). EXAMPLES, COUNTER-EXAMPLES, NO EXPAMPLES to promote: Generalization: identify specific cases or objects that fall under The concept (from the typical ones to the less noticeable ones) Discrimination: identify specific cases or objects that do not fall under the concept (from the opposed ones to the limits) LOCATION ON THE CONCEPTUAL NETWORK (Concepts supra-ordinaries, Coordinated and sub-ordinate) Possible errors.
Conventional definition of DEXTERITY Is the capacity to: Perceive sensorial stimulus Visual Hearing Smells Tastes Touch Make Motor responses, or A coordination among both of them, The competent person can do it with greater precision or faster that the person not trained
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