Michigan Donor Drive An update on the effort to promote the Donor Registry among state hospitals August 20, 2008 Gift of Life Michigan
What is the Donor Drive? Effort by Gift of Life, MHA Keystone, Secretary of State, Michigan Eye-Bank, Henry Ford Hospital and Univ. of Michigan Health System Free posters, web banners, sample s, more) to urge hospital employees to sign up Open-ended; can begin or end at any time
Results: Jan - July ,880 people signed up on the Michigan Organ Donor Registry and listed a specific hospital or “hospital” as source 91.7 percent increase over the same period last year, when 2,023 people designated a specific hospital or “hospital” as the source for signing up. About 46 hospitals agreed to participate; half were active
Success stories Major effort, maximum results: Three hospitals used most of the materials, and more. People signed up by the hundreds. Targeted effort, great results: Some hospitals used fewer resources but did all the right things, e.g., CEO involvement, enticements, publicizing the events, etc. Tony Denton, Chief Operating Officer, University of Michigan Health System, shows his support for the Donor Registry.
What works? Top leadership: Get the CEO or designate involved Publicize: s, intranet, internal publications to tell people about the Drive Bring a laptop: It takes a minute to sign up online vs. days or weeks (if ever) for the hard-copy registries to return Have fun: Offer food, challenges. You’re saving lives – a cause for celebration.
Next steps MHA Keystone and Gift of Life can provide sample materials MHA Keystone put together great guidelines to get the most out of a campaign Go to giftoflifemichigan.org or mhakeystonecenter.org for more details Questions? Call Tim Makinen (800) or Jamie Davis (517)