A. Both city-states were ruled by two consuls. B. Each city-state required all of their children to train as warriors. C. All citizens had the right to.


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Presentation transcript:

A. Both city-states were ruled by two consuls. B. Each city-state required all of their children to train as warriors. C. All citizens had the right to debate the laws within their city-state. D. Both cities ruled their surrounding farmland from a central city-state.

A. Citizenship was open to all residents. B. Men and women could hold political office. C. Slavery was abolished through Pericles’ reform. D. All citizens were qualified to participate in government

A. Socrates B. Plato C. Aristotle D. Alexander the Great

A. Greek victory at Marathon B. Rise of the Roman Empire C. Integration of Greek & Persian religious & cultural traditions D. Conquest of the Greek city-states by Philip II and Alexander.

A. The Greek language, culture, and ideas B. Direct democracy, the alphabet, and the first books C. Technology such as aqueducts, the arch, and concrete D.New inventions such as flame throwers on ships, silk making, and printing

A. Political Collapse B. Religious Tolerance C. War and Destruction D. Peace and Prosperity

A. Spanish B. Roman C. Italian D. Latin

A. Romans leaving the city B. Peace to the region C. Disruption of the Jewish Holy Days D. Threats to law and order

A. supported the religion by building churches B. Roman officials gave money to the apostles and disciples. C. The Roman Empire proclaimed that Christianity was the official language. D. The Roman system of roads allowed Christians to travel and spread their message.

A. The Roman legal code, the Twelve Tables, was the basis for the United States Constitution. B. The development of the Senate and Consuls demonstrated the benefits of requiring all citizens to participate in the law-making process. C. The development of shared power between a representative Senate and two consuls set a standard for limited government that is reflected in our United States’ government. D. Laws that allow a dictator to take temporary emergency power emphasized the importance of prioritizing national security over the protection of liberties.