If we found alien life what do you think it would be like and why?
Alien Life
Independence Day
War of The Worlds
Master Yoda
Men In Black
Monsters Vs Aliens
Cowboys and Aliens
Out of the 200 billion stars that make up our galaxy, which is just one of a 100 billion galaxies, what is the chance that we are the only life? Are we alone in the universe?
Time to imagine… Imagine you are an alien, looking down at Earth from your spaceship… – How would you know that life exists on Earth?
How Will We Know? Changes to the atmosphere. We may receive signals from space. Our space probes may find life.
Conditions For Life Water Energy (sunlight) Oxygen
Searching for Life on Mars Viking landers – Space probes Rovers
Voyager Launched August 20 th 1977 Now On it’s way out of the Solar System
Exploring the Solar System You need to know these examples! Lander-unmanned vehicle lands on the surface of another planet or moon. Probe- unmanned spacecraft – goes into orbit around another planet or moon Rover- unmanned vehicle fitted with wheels and an engine – can move around on the surface of another planet or moon
Telescopes Telescopes on earth are usually positioned high above sea level, this is because the earths atmosphere contains clouds and pollution which effects the quality of the image. Putting telescopes in orbit can prevent this problem completely.
SETI SETI – Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. What is it??
S.E.T.I. The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) uses a vast array of radio-telescopes to scan for signals from outer-space. The Allen Telescope Array, California, USA TED Talk from Jill Tarter – Director of SETI
The WOW! Signal The Wow! signal was a radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry Ehman on August , while working on SETI. To this day, no one knows what caused the signal…
SETI generates so much data they need your to help analyse it. is a free program you can download that analyses data for signals. Download it from setiathome.berkeley.edusetiathome.berkeley.edu