W EST A FRICA Slavery ruled illegal by Great Britain & the U.S. G.B. annexed the west coastal states- 1 st. British colony of Gold Coast & established protectorate of Nigeria France took the rest of West Africa Germany controlled Togo, Cameroon, German Southwest Africa, & German East Africa
N ORTH A FRICA Muhammad Ali seized power & established an Egyptian state (signed w/ France to build the Suez Canal) Egyptian forces revolted against British influence, BR won, & Egypt became a British protectorate
N ORTH AFRICA ( CONTINUED …) France controlled Algeria, a protectorate in Tunisia & the protectorate of Morocco Italy & Ethiopia fought, but Italy was defeated. Ethiopia maintained their independence (until WWII) Italy later took Turkish Tripoli (Libya)
C ENTRAL A FRICA : L IVINGSTONE & S TANLEY Livingstone & Stanley Livingstone (explorer/medical missionary went to Africa 1841), in & out of Africa for 30 years, went missing last 6 years, Stanley (a journalist from the New York Herald ) sent to find him. Quote- “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” Livingstone Stanley
C ENTRAL A FRICA (C ONTINUED …) King Leopold II (Belgium) established settlements in the Congo. France occupied the areas not controlled by Belgium.
E AST A FRICA Berlin Conference Recognized both British & German claims for territory No African delegates present. Why? Portugal received Mozambique
S OUTH A FRICA Boer War Boers/Afrikaners (Dutch settlers) vs. the British vs. the Zulus Britain won Union of South Africa created by Great Britain (combined Cape Colony & Boer republics) Concentration camp for Boers Apartheid (1960s-1990s) will be created b/w white controlled govt. & blacks in South Africa
S OUTH A FRICA ( CONTINUED …) Liberia- created as a homeland for freed U.S. slaves Remained a free state along with Ethiopia (only 2 free states in Africa!)