Developing Gender Statistics: a practical tool Jessica Gardner UNECE Statistical Division.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Gender Statistics: a practical tool Jessica Gardner UNECE Statistical Division

“Nowadays women have the same opportunities as men. So where is the problem?” “All our data are sex-disaggregated anyway. What’s the problem?” “Business statistics does not relate to gender.” “There is no space.” “Gender statistics is not a statistical field, what is special about it?” “The role of women is not an issue in our country. We have resource constraints and we need to concentrate on other areas.” “We do not want to overburden the respondents.”

Detailed manual 180 pages of information Contributions from more than 50 experts Available very soon United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Developing Gender Statistics: a practical tool is for anybody interested in producing information about gender differences English Russian Portuguese? Spanish?

Making it happen Why do we need gender statistics? How to produce gender statistics Improving the use of gender statistics What is gender statistics and gender analysis?

Labour Force Decision- making Health Minority Groups Informal Employment Agriculture Unpaid Work Access to Assets Work-life Balance Information & Communication Technology Gender-Based Violence Entrepreneurship Education Research Science Gender Attitudes Social Exclusion

What it is Why is it important The value-added of statistics Implications for data collection

“an expected and necessary document for countries” “a great deal of work has been done and the result is excellent” “it is well done with a clear structure” “detail and examples” “The manual covers all the important themes on gender statistics” “it shows step-by-step how to enable statistical systems to provide data relevant to gender equality issues” “it brings up-to- date information”

Questions? Comments? Jessica Gardner UNECE Statistics Division