17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Update on the Central African Biodiversity Information Network (CABIN): A taste of Cyber-insects from Africa Sévérin Tchibozo CABIN / LINCAOCNET Garin Cael, Charles Kahindo, Sévérin Tchibozo, Franck Theeten & Patricia Mergen
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA RMCA The Royal Museum for Central Africa Belgium Multidisciplinary ca specimens Focus on Central Africa Photo: Patricia Mergen
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA CABIN Central African Biodiversity Information Network Part of SABIN – Sub-Saharan African Biodiversity Information Network Focus on Democratic Republic Congo, Rwanda & Burundi To facilitate access to biodiversity information for African researchers by: Setting up local infrastructure Capacity building
Technical workflow
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Key activities March 2009: Setting up infrastructure at the CEDESURK (an academic library, resource centre and provider of IT services for the main Congolese academic institutions) January 2010: Start of the LINCAOCNET project as a pilot project for African data providers June 2010: five day workshop held in Kinshasa on the digitization of Biological collections at the CEDESURK September 2011: Selection of five African data providers
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA LINCAOCNET Les Insectes Comestibles de l’Afrique Centrale et Occidentale sur interNET (Edible Insects in Central and West Africa on Internet) Collaboration between the RMCA, in the framework of the CABIN project and the CRGB (Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la Biodiversité Benin) & co financed by the Belgian cooperation and the fonds francophone des inforoutes
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Field work 31 localities were monitored in 10 African countries for edible insects
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA LINCAOCNET website Made in Drupal, and contains: -Scientific name - Local common name (with audio recording) - GPS coordinates & maps - Pictures - Host plants - Traditional recipes
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA More to come… European project on edible insects as novel proteins Presentation by Sévérin Tchibozo at FAO (Rome) co-organized by experts from Wageningen University (NL) Support by Paepard (Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development) Support from ESASTAP (European South Africa Science and Technology Advancement Programme Interest by the food sector (industries and SMEs)
Crunchy snacks at the ‘Night of the Museum’, RMCA, Tervuren, Belgium Pictures: RMCA
17-21 October 2011, TDWG annual conference, Astor Crown Plaza Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Thank you for your attention!