S. BARRY COOPER is Professor of Mathematical Logic at the University of Leeds. He is a leading proponent of the return to the basics of computability, and of related interdisciplinary studies into the nature of computation, in the spirit of Alan Turing. His work often addresses philosophical aspects of computability. He is President of the Association Computability in Europe, and the Chair of the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee which is coordinating the Alan Turing Year. S. BARRY COOPER
RESEARCH Mathematical logic Computability theory and applications to science and the humanities - (papers: Incomputability in Nature, Clockwork or Turing Universe, Computability and emergence, Definability as hypercomputational effect) Complexity theory Combinatorics and graph theory
RECENT TURING-RELATED WORK S. Barry Cooper Turing's Titanic machine?. Commun. ACM 55, 3 (March 2012), Books in preparation: S. B. Cooper and J. Van Leeuwen (Editors): Alan Turing: His Work and Impact, Elsevier, July 2012 S. B. Cooper and A. Hodges: The Once and Future Turing: Computing the World, Cambridge University Press S. B. Cooper and A. Sorbi: Computing with Incomplete Information: The Mathematics of Enumeration and Positive Reducibilities, World Scientific Publishing S. B. Cooper: Machines, Memes and Incomputability: Alan Turing's Other Great Legacy, World Scientific Publishing