1. Objective (READ) - H SWBAT identify the economic effects of the colonization of Africa. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) A. Write a sentence that you could have heard if you were attending the Berlin Conference. B. Was the outcome of the Berlin Conference positive or negative? Explain your answer.
Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # **AFRICA UNIT** 4/26Desertification87 4/28AIDS88 5/3Diseases89 5/5Colonization90 1. Create a new page called Colonization.
Political Effects 1. Berlin Conference: - Europeans divided Africa, drew in borders how they wanted it No Africans were included in the process Decisions were made based on the economic interests of the Europeans instead of history, rivalries, culture, etc. –Example: Dividing land based on the location of mines or the type of crops that can be grown
1. Berlin Conference: - Europeans divided Africa, drew in borders how they wanted it AFRICA’S BORDERS TODAY
Map showing the location of African ethnic groups. 1. Berlin Conference: - Europeans divided Africa, drew in borders how they wanted it
Nigeria – Ethnic Groups Task – What effect do you think this will have on Nigeria after they gain independence?
Political Effects 2. Borders created by Europeans causes conflict today between ethnic groups Currently ongoing Civil Wars in Africa that have not been resolved: - Angola, Algeria, Burundi, Congo, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Political Effects 3. Africans struggled to create effective governments. - Africans weren’t used to the nation-state model used by Europeans - Africans lacked experience in diplomacy, law-making, etc. - Tribes were autonomous (meaning they made their own rules, were self-governing) before colonization - Tribes were lumped together in countries laid out by the Europeans
Political Effects 4. Apartheid – racist policies in South Africa that separated people by race
Clip Apartheid 1. Describe the policies put in place that created apartheid. 2. How is this similar to segregation in the US?
APARTHEID SUMMARY A. Racial segregation in South Africa began in colonial times, but apartheid as an official policy was introduced following the general election of New legislation classified inhabitants into racial groups ("black", "white", "colored", and "Indian") B. Housing was segregated, sometimes by means of forced removals. From 1958, Blacks were deprived of their citizenship, legally becoming citizens of one of ten tribally based self-governing homelands called Bantustans, four of which became nominally independent states. C. The government segregated education, medical care, and other public services, and provided black people with services inferior to those of whites. Directions: 1. Copy the headline. 2. Underneath draw a picture representing each aspect of apartheid (A-C). 3. Label each picture so that I know what is going on.
Copy this chart Social Effects Political Effects Economic Effects 1. European Languages 2. Christianity spreads to Africa. 3. Slave trade destroys African…
#1. Built some infrastructure - Europeans built roads, ports, and railroads to get natural resources back to Europe to create finished goods Economic Effects
#2. African countries lack INVESTMENT CAPITAL - cash used to start businesses, factories, mines, etc. Why? - Europeans took their ways to make money (crops, natural resources, minerals, etc.) - Europeans left and did not set up governments causing wars and chaos - Many European companies remained in Africa the money from natural resources is still going to Europe - International organizations like the IMF provide African nations with enormous loans that they cannot repay so they have to use a huge portion of their GDP to pay off debts.
Investment Capital Clip 1. Give at least two reasons explaining why the mine isn’t up and running? 2. Do you think this will have a positive or negative impact on the Liberian people? Explain your answer.
Economic Effects #3. Land policies during colonization cause one-commodity countries today. Why it happened: - Berlin Conference divided land according to natural resources. - Land was used during colonization to harvest natural resources. - Europeans left without setting up any other ways to make money. Why it’s bad: - Country’s entire economy depends on high prices of that commodity - Droughts or other disasters destroy entire economy
#4. CONCLUSION: African countries are under-developed
1. IMPERIALISM (same as colonization) – when a country takes control of another region to take their resources and set up new markets Word:Definition: Real-life example: Sketch: Directions: - Create a vocab box for each term above. - Use the example on the right for your vocab boxes. - Your group can not receive directions for the game until EVERY student has completed this in their notebook and you get it approved. 2. INVESTMENT CAPITAL – Money used to start a business, factory, mine, or major project that will increase jobs.
Imperialism Game Rules
Countries Players: Each student will be one of the following countries: Great Britan, Germany, Portugal, or France The Goal: The goal is to take over as many colonies as possible.
Rules How to take over a colony: To take over a colony you must roll the higest number on ONE die. Example: Great Britain rolls a 6 Portugal rolls a 4 Germany rolls a 3 France rolls 2 Great Britain wins the colony. Write Great Britain on the blank to the left of the colony’s name. NOTE: If no one rolls a 4, 5, or 6 then the colony remains INDEPENDENT. Write independent on the blank to the left of the colony’s name.
Rules Wars: If two or more players roll a six, then they are at war. They must roll again to determine who gets the colony. War Losers: The loser or losers cannot compete for the next colony on the list. War Winners: Get the colony and write their country’s name on the blank to the left of the colony.
Other notes: The numbers to the right of the colony’s name are how many points it is worth. Skip the map thing at the end. Most points wins, not most colonies.
Imperialism Game Follow-up - L How does the Imperialism Game simulate the European Scramble for Africa? Did you exhibit feelings of nationalism during the game? Explain you response. Directions: - Write a paragraph answering the prompt above. You can tu
Question of the Day Investment Capital – money used to start a business Africa lacks investment capital because of colonization Why? - Europeans controlled all natural resources Effects – led to development of one-commodity countries because of a lack of start-up money
Clip – European Imperialism in Africa Clip Questions: 1. How did the Europeans feel about Africa? 2. What impact did imperialism (colonization) have on Africa?