World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO GFCS Governance proposal Process of development and elements for discussion TT-GFCS-1
WMO OMM References The Report of the High-level Taskforce for the Global Framework for Climate Services: Climate Knowledge for Action: A Global Framework for Climate Services – Empowering the Most Vulnerable (WMO-No. 1065), Resolution 47 (Cg-XVI) – Response to the Report of the High-level Taskforce for the Global Framework for Climate Services, Resolution 1 (EC-LXIII) – Establishment of an Executive Council Task Team on the Global Framework for Climate Services.
WMO OMM Relevant decisions of Cg and EC (1 of 2) The Congress decided to entrust the WMO Executive Council with the responsibility of developing proposals, with the involvement of relevant stakeholders including other UN bodies, for consideration by an Extraordinary Session of the World Meteorological Congress. These proposals to address the: Development of the draft implementation plan for the GFCS; Establishment of the draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the Intergovernmental Board and its substructures based on the draft implementation plan. The Executive Council established the Task Team on the Global Framework for Climate Services (ECTT-GFCS) to develop the a detailed draft implementation plan for the GFCS, the draft terms of reference and initial rules of procedure for the Intergovernmental Board and its substructures based on the implementation plan.
WMO OMM Proposal development process TT-GFCS-1: agreement on the principles and functions based on Cg decisions and draft outline implementation plan; outline IB TOR, Consultations with governments: PRs, missions in Geneva: December - January; TT-GFCS-2: draft IB TOR based on the draft implementation plan, consideration of required amendments to the WMO General Regulations, and draft IB Rules of Procedure; agreement on the level of detail for the definition of the IB subsidiary bodies; EC-LXIV: establishment of draft proposal for presentation to the Cg-Ext 2012; July-Aug 2012: submission of proposals to Cg-Ext 2012, as well as proposed amendments to WMO General Regulations, if required.
WMO OMM Relevant decisions of Cg and EC (2 of 2) The Congress decided to proceed with Option A of Recommendation (5) as contained in Chapter 10 of the Taskforce Report, to implement the GFCS, amended to reflect the agreement That the Intergovernmental Board of the Framework, will be accountable to the WMO Congress and that the management committee structures, that may be accountable to the Intergovernmental Board will be decided upon completion of the implementation plan. The Congress was divided on the degree of autonomy the new intergovernmental board would have from existing WMO management structures. There was a strong view that the GFCS management structures should be as inexpensive as possible and not duplicate exiting mechanisms and so it was for this reason that the Congress decided to use the World Meteorological Congress as the supreme intergovernmental body to which the new operational entity should report to, and receive direction from.
WMO OMM Main principles of GFCS governance GFCS governance should be participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, flexible, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive; Direct involvement of governments at all levels of GFCS governance structure; Operational nature of climate services; the GFCS to become an effective operational entity in 2012; Leading role of WMO and active involvement of the participating UN system organisations, NGOs and other partners, including civil society.
WMO OMM Schematic representation of IB Option A - Figure 10.1 from HLT Report
WMO OMM Schematic representation of IB Option A compatible with the decisions of Congress World Meteorological Congress United Nations System entities Management Committee on Capacity Building Intergovernmental Board on the Framework Secretariat ABCD Management Committee on User Interface Programme Executive Committee Management Committee on Climate Service Information System Management Committee on Observations and Monitoring Management Committee on Research, Modelling and Prediction
WMO OMM Authority of the Intergovernmental Board The Board shall operate under the authority of, and be fully accountable to, the World Meteorological Congress, which decides on policies, principles, implementation plan and resources; The Board is the executive body for the GFCS; Responsible for all matters relating to the implementation of the GFCS including coordination of activities of participating organisations and financial and institutional resources allocated to the Framework in accordance with the decisions of the Congress (and governing bodies of other organisations). Constituted as an intergovernmental body of the WMO (joint with XXX UN organisations), operates on the basis of General Regulations of the WMO (complemented as necessary) and Boards Rules of Procedure.
WMO OMM Input to the discussion on IB TOR Authority of the Intergovernmental Board Functions of the Board Engagement of partner agencies and institutions Other elements of TOR
WMO OMM Functions of the Board (1 of 2) Main functions - to give effect to the decisions relating to the GFCS of the World Meteorological Congress and of the supreme bodies of other organizations participating in the Framework, to ensure the overall management and delivery of GFCS. Functions: a)To implement the decisions of the Congress; act upon resolutions of the WMO EC and governing bodies of other participating organizations; to make recommendations to WMO and other participating organisations; b)To evaluate implementation progress and approve annual progress report; to assess risks, review and approve annual work plan and budget; c)To provide advice to the WMO ( Executive Council, regional associations and technical commissions) and other participating organizations in preparation of their work programme relating to the implementation of GFCS; d)To review and endorse high priority projects and initiatives at global, regional and national levels (against a set of objectives and targets of the implementation plan) for consideration by donors and investors, and to facilitate resource mobilization;
WMO OMM Functions of the Board (2 of 2) e)To facilitate integration of the GFCS with relevant international and regional policies, strategies, plans and initiatives; f)To study and make recommendations on any matter affecting the implementation of the GFCS; g)To review the Framework strategy, objectives and targets, and the implementation plan and to examine budget estimates for the following (financial) period and to present its observations and its recommendations thereon to Congress (and governing bodies of partner organisations); h)To report on its activities to each session of World Meteorological Congress and to the governing bodies/general assembles of relevant partner organizations; i)To perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by Congress or by Members collectively. The Board may establish its management, advisory and expert bodies, for which governments and participating organisations shall designate qualified experts.
WMO OMM Engagement of partners, liaison Formal co-sponsorship of the GFCS, Member representation in the Intergovernmental Board; IB reporting to supreme/governing bodies of partner organizations; IB Partners Advisory Committee; UN system inter-agency mechanisms, up to CEB; Participation in Management Committees;
WMO OMM Other elements of TOR and governance Chair and composition Sessions Decision making Funding Transparency Subsidiary structure Secretariat
WMO OMM Thank you GFCS governance discussion