What have we learnt from the ILLIPS course? Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College Cheng Hoi Man Ching Ling Chi Cheuk Chi Ping
Flow of the sharing A.Background of our school B.What have we learnt from the course? C.What have we done during and after the course to enhance the learning of our students?
A. Background of our school -CMI school -English Enrichment Program in Lower Forms -8 teachers participated in ILLIPS
B. What have we learnt from the course? 1.Genres in school Geography, History and Economics 2.Register 3.The Teaching – Learning Cycle
1. Genres in School Geography, History and Economics -Genres in Geography (Adapted from P.7 of ‘Developing the language of Personal, Social and Humanities Education’, John Polias, Lexis Education)
Knowledge and activity domains GenrePurpose Recording and accounting for change over time Recounts 1.Biographical 2.Factual 1.Retells…… 2.Recounts environmental event Describing geographic features Reports 1.Descriptive 2.Taxonomic 3.Comparative 1.Describes features of places.. 2.(a) organizes knowledge according to ….. Explaining geographic features Linear Explanations 1.Sequential 2.Causal Non-linear Explanations 3.Factorial 4.Consequential 5.Theoretical 1.Explain a physical phenomenon…. 2.….. 3. Explain the multiple factors…. …… Exploring issues in geography Expository genres 1.Analytical argument 2.Hortatory argument 3.Discussion 1. Presents arguments on an ……
Each genre has identifiable language patterns.
2.Register Schooling pushes students from left to right Field from concrete, everyday abstract, technical Tenor from informal, subjective formal, objective Mode from close, spoken distant, written
3.The Teaching – Learning Cycle
C. What have we done during and after the course to enhance the learning of our students? Phase 1 : During the course Phase 2 : After the course
Phase 1 Reconstruct the knowledge of the topic from the text book according to the genres in school geography A pilot scheme was conducted from Nov to Dec 08. We selected 2 classes of Form 2 students. We used a familiar topic: Greenhouse Effect. 1 teacher only was involved.
Modified from text book’s chapter summary General activities Produce general greenhouse gases Produce specific gas Specific activity Describing geographical features What are the greenhouse gases? Where do they come from? Construct a taxonomy
Phenomenon / Result of the 1 st sentence Cause of the 2 nd sentence Explaining geographic features Causal (Linear) Explanation
Merits of phase 1 1.Students can develop their knowledge according to the genres in school geography. 2.The concept of teaching-learning cycle is introduced. 3.Easy and fast to prepare.
Phase 2 Writing longer, more complex texts All Form 2 students 2 teachers working together
Writing longer, more complex texts 1.The use of conditionals and comparative adjectives 2.Ways to express cause and effect 3.Combining (1) and (2)
1. The use of conditionals and comparative adjectives How to write the following concepts in complete sentences? Strength > Stress = Stable slope Stress > Strength = Unstable slope Conditional clause is used
Conditional clause (IF Clause) (Main Clause) If you heat water to 100°C,it boils. Use the simple present tense! Example: If there is no greenhouse effect, the global temperature decreases.
2. Ways to express cause and effect How can we write the following concepts in complete sentences? Cause Effect Rain adds weight to the soil increase stress Rain adds weight to the soil. The weight of the soil increases stress.
3. Combine (1) and (2) Cause and Effect + Conditional clause Rain adds weight to the soil increase stress Stress > Strength unstable slope Rain adds weight to the soil. The weight of the soil increases stress. If the force of stress is greater than strength, the slope is unstable
Merits of phase 2 Students develop a predictable pattern, they can use the language with more confidence. e.g. Conditional clause, cause and effect The teaching-learning cycle helps to organise the teaching and learning activities more systematically. 3.Students’ and teachers’ confidence is increased
Phase 3 Phase ∞ 1.Staff development 2.Cross-subject collaboration
1. Staff development Start from the Principal Vice Principal Subject Heads Other teachers Through: a.ILLIPS b.Staff development day c.Subject panel meeting
2. Cross-subject collaboration English department Academic Committee Subject A Subject B Subject Z
The outcome of the program also depends on: 1.The degree of support from the school management level 2. The attitude of teachers
Acknowledgements 1.Mr John Polias 2.Mrs Bette Li and her excellent team
Thank you!