The Prospectus and Common Application Process My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
What is the prospectus? The MyCourseMyFuture website is the new online prospectus to help you make choices in year 11 about future courses and training. It provides information on the courses and training opportunities on offer at all of the colleges, sixth forms and work based learning providers in Salford – they are referred to as providers on the prospectus. In year 11 you will be able to make online applications to these providers as well as some in other areas in Greater Manchester My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
In today’s lesson… You will unlock your account and navigate the website, identifying courses you might be interested in You will have the opportunity to save your favourite courses and make ‘mock’ applications to your chosen colleges, sixth forms and work based learning providers You will have the chance to fill in information on the ‘My Profile’ section My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Go to My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Registering for an account My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Registering for an account Username – you can choose any username Make sure it is something familiar as you will need to use every time you log in to the system
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Registering for an account Password – choose something unique only you will know
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Registering for an account Confirm password – confirm your password
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Registering for an account Unlock code – enter your 8 character unlock code The unlock code unlocks your account and enables you to apply for courses
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Registering for an account Once you have filled in all of the boxes click Register
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Click here to return to the homepage You will be able search for courses and save your favourites to your profile
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Click here to return to the homepage You will be able search for courses and save your favourites to your profile Click on the Continue to the login screen link to re-enter your details
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus For security reasons you will be asked to re-enter your username and password again
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Then Log in
Application Process – the learner dashboard My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Profile & Messages – where you can alter your personal details, predicted grades etc. You can also view and send messages to providers, teachers and your Connexions Personal Advisor
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus My Courses – where you can search for courses, view your favourite courses and apply to providers taking part in the Application Process
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus My Applications – to view, edit, send or withdraw any applications you have made You will also be able to monitor the progress of any of your sent applications in this section
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus My Offers & Appointments – where you can view and respond to any offers made to you by providers and check on appointments/interviews that have been arranged
Searching for courses My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
To start searching for courses click on the View My Courses link Search for a course
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Click the Search for more courses link – this will take you to the Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Allows you to quickly search for courses that you like using keywords Predictive text – like Google Can enter course names, provider names, geographic areas or careers Course search facility
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus The keyword search will list a range of courses meeting your criteria that can be filtered using the option boxes on the left
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Location – allows you to filter your search by postcode or extend the search to other areas in Greater Manchester
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Age range – allows you to filter courses that have a specific age range
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Course Start Date – allows you to filter if you’re looking for a course to start at a specific time of year
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Qualification – lets you filter by qualification type (e.g. A Level, BTEC etc)
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Level – allows you to filter by level of study
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus More about level – links provides you with more information on what the different levels of study mean:
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus You can enter a combination of courses (up to a maximum of 12 courses) The search will return a list of providers offering those courses Combination search
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Provider search
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus About Us – gives you more information on the provider
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus View Courses – shows a list of the courses on offer at the provider
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus To view a course click Go
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus The course page provides details on what you will study Other information includes: Progression Careers Transport Contact information
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Add to ‘My Courses’ – allows you to save the course to your profile You may be asked to enter your log-in details again
Spend the next few minutes searching and saving courses you think you’d be interested in studying. My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Making an application My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Making an application Once you have saved a course and unlocked your account you will be able to make an application Don’t forget… This is only a test and you will not actually be applying to study these courses just yet My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Therefore… Don’t worry if you haven’t found the course or provider you’ve been looking for Don’t worry about the information you include in your profile and application – you will be able to update this when applying for real next year My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Click on the My Course tab in the navigation bar This will show you a list of the courses you have saved and give you the option of applying to the provider they are offered at
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Apply to this provider – to unlock your account and start making applications click here
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Tick the courses that you want to apply for
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Put the selected courses in order of preference using the up and down arrows
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Put the selected courses in order of preference using the up and down arrows
Using application process to apply My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Using application process to apply My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Using application process to apply My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Using application process to apply My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Tracking your application My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus
Your sent application is now visible in the My Applications panel
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Your sent application is now visible in the My Applications panel By clicking the View Applications tab you will be able to see the progress of your application
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus You can see the progress of your application and whether it has been received by the provider – if you change your mind, you can also withdraw the application
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Once your application has been received the received box will turn green
My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus Once your application has been received the received box will turn green An Acknowledgement Message will also appear
What happens next? The system that you have just used is being piloted in a select few schools in Greater Manchester From next year, you will get to use the system for real – making proper applications for genuine courses Over the summer you will still be able to use your log-in to search and save courses You can also update information in the My Profile section making it even easier to apply for courses in Year 11 My Course My Future Greater Manchester Prospectus