Frontiers of GW predictions from CCSN Model Takami Kuroda (Basel Univ.) Kei Kotake(Fukuoka Univ.), Tomoya Takiwaki(NAOJ), Ko Nakamura (Waseda Univ.), Kazuhiro Hayama(Osaka-city Univ.)
Asymmetries in CCSNe Tanaka+,’12 Milisavljevic & Fesen, ‘13 3D mapping of optically emitting ejecta (Cas A) From many observations CCSNe are asymmetric explosions!
Asymmetries in CCSNe From many numerical simulations suggest Initiation of CCSNe is asymmetric! Takiwaki+, ‘12 Scheidegger+, ‘10 Suwa+, ‘10Marek&Janka, ‘09 All of these simulations are within the innermost region of star (R/R star <10 -3~-5 ) optical observation is impossible
Asymmetries in CCSNe Time T < 〜1 sec Milisavljevic & Fesen, ‘13 Spatial Scale T > 1 day 〜 1yr R < 〜1 0 3 km R > 〜1 km Too wide dynamical range !!! Hammer+,’10 ~10 8 km Gravitational waves Direct observation by R=0km Neutrinos R 〜 20km
Kotake,’11, "Gravitational Waves (from detectors to astrophysics)" Diversity of Gravitational Waveforms
2)MHD explosion Explosion Mechanisms 1)ν-driven explosion “Round” explosion“Oriented” explosion Buras+,’06 Takiwaki+,’11 Suwa+,’10 Marek&Janka,’09 Takiwaki+,’08 (2D) Scheidegger+,’10 (3D) rotation is not necessaryrotation is necessary Obergaulinger+,’06 (2D) Rotation Explosion Morphology GWs
GW Emissions from Rotating Core How does rapid rotation affects on the observed GW emissions?
Type I signal (Dimmelmeier+,’02) GW Emissions from Rotating Core How does rapid rotation affects on the observed GW amplitude? Obergaulinger+,’06
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Type I signal appears irrespective of dimensionality of explosion. 3D Dimmelmeier+,’08 Scheidegger+,’10 (3D) Microphysical EOS 2D Microphysical EOS Nu-cooling 3D-MHD
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Dimmelmeier+,’08 Type I signal --->Linear correlation between |h| max and T/|W| b (=β b ) In modern stellar evolution, β i <~0.1% (Heger+,’05, Yoon&Langer,’08) β b <~1%
GW Emissions from Rotating Core How does rapid rotation affects on the observed GW emissions? ① Dynamical instability (|T/W|>0.27) …… Rampp + ’98 ② Secular instability (|T/W|>0.13) …… Chandrasekhar ’70 ③ Low |T/W| instability (|T/W|>0.01) …… Watts +’05 Rotational instabilities
GW Emissions from Rotating Core How does rapid rotation affects on the observed GW emissions? 3DGR + Γ-law EOS (Ott+,’05) Low-T/W instability
GW Emissions from Rotating Core 3DNMHD + Microphysics (Scheidegger+,’10) m=1 m=2
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Because the low-T/W instability occurs in the vicinity of PNS, F GW ~kHz h GW ~10 Ott+,’07Scheidegger+,’10 AdvLIGO
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Blondin&Mezzacappa,’07 Fernandez,’10 GW emissions from one-armed spiral wave one-armed spiral wave (R shock >R>R PNS ) Scheidegger+,’10 T pb ~27ms Full spatial domain Without excising inner boundary 0<φ<2π (for m=1 mode) Neutrino cooling (for R shock )
GW Emissions from Rotating Core GW emissions from one-armed spiral wave 3DGR + Neutrino radiation (leakage for cooling term) 15M sun with (KT, Takiwaki & Kotake, arXiv: ) EquatorPolar Consistent with Ott+,’12
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Time evolution of “h=A/10kpc” spectrum S/N(=h/N)=1 (for KAGRA) log(h)
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Strong emission from one-armed spiral wave Scheidegger+,’10 T pb ~27ms
Angular frequency of “Acoustic+Rotational” mode Ω rot Ω rot+ Ω aco X (cm) GW Emissions from Rotating Core One armed spiral waves produce GW emission at F~F Doppler. F Doppler (~200Hz) represents “Acoustic+Rotational” frequency. How is this “~200Hz” determined?
GW Emissions from Rotating Core Importance of neutrino-cooling
GW Emissions from Rotating Core w/o cooling w/ cooling Unstable region (R ns <R<R shock ) becomes more compact due to ν-cooling Non-axisymmetric structure R ns R shock
Importance of neutrino-cooling GW Emissions from Rotating Core Unstable region (R ns <R<R shock ) becomes more compact due to ν-cooling Non-axisymmetric structure Scheidegger+,’10 w/o cooling w/ cooling ~10 times stronger GWs Fully general relativistic 3D-Rad-Hydro!!
GW Emissions from Rotating Core In addition, if there is strong magnetic field……. Obergaulinger+,’06 R<60km Total w/ B Type I signal (Dimmelmeier+,’02) w/o B Offset
GW Emissions from Rotating Core In addition, if there is strong magnetic field……. 2D 3D Takiwaki+,’08(2D) Scheidegger+,’10 (3D) Slowly varying positive offset originated from MHD jet
GW Emissions from Rotating Core If the star rotates sufficiently fast (T/W| b > a few % T/W| i > a few ‰) Strong Type I signal Low frequency Emission from MHD jet Low T/W instability (F~kHz, τ decay ~10ms, from PNS) One armed spiral wave (F~ a few 100Hz, τ decay ~τ explo (?), above PNS)
GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core Neutrino Matter When rotation is negligible, (Neutrino Explosion occurs) GW waveforms are characterized as 1)Early (Linear) SASI motion 2)Hot Bubble Convection & SASI 3)Explosion Phase Z(km) Muller B.+,’13 Frequency (Hz)
Neutrino Matter Advective mode Acoustic mode Blondin+, ‘03 GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core
Local contribution to GW emissions Matter acceleration Muller B.+,’13 T pb =22ms Coherent Stripe Pattern (not stochastic convective one) GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core
SASI (L 〜 1,2….) Convection (higher order L) oror Hanke+,’13 Muller B.+,’13 From Brunt-Vaisalla frequency, Muller+,’13 derived following relation GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core Brunt-Vaisalla frequency gravitational force at NS surface NS surface temperature Compact parameter
Uni- (or Bi-) polar explosion positive GW amplitude low frequency (<100Hz) GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core
Murphy+,’09 Information on explosion morphology is imprinted in GW waveforms GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core
Up to now, there is no GW analysis study using successful ν-explosion model in full-3D Iwakami+, ‘08 GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core Equipartition of energy Hanke+,’13
Light-bulb method in 3D Kotake+,’11 GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core
3DGR + ν-Radiation (Gray M1+Leakage for cooling) Progenitor: 11.2, 15.0, 27.0 & 40.0 Msun (WW95) ~0.3, 1.05, 1.85 & 2.10 Xi(1.5Msun) cells * 9 Level nested structure (dx min ~450m) Long term simulations (T pb = ms) GW emissions and mass dependence KT, Takiwaki & Kotake, in preparation We can investigate Progenitor dependence SASI evolution without excising inner boundary Correlation between GW & Lnu
S27.0 S15.0
ConvectiveInitiation of SASI (?) SASI S11.2 S27.0 S15.0 S40.0
Lack of data SASI feature ?
GW Emissions from Non-Rotating Core E gw ↑ M progenitor ↑
How about observations? Equatorial Polar S11.2 S40.0 S15.0_Rot Hayama+ S15.0_Rot_Ext Source is located at optimal direction SNR is only for “KAGRA”
Lack of data
Summary We may be able to link future GW observations and core rotational profile. anti-ν e energy & F peak evolution will tell us, e.g., M/R. Confirmed SASI (27&40Msun) in 3DGR for the first time Their GW frequency appears ~100Hz They can be detected up to ~20kpc There is oscillation in anti-e neutrino luminosity