Sea Otters and Polar Bears Sea otters and polar bears are marine mammals belonging to order Carnivora The sea otter is the smallest marine mammal, which lacks a layer of blubber Instead, the sea otter has extremely dense fur, which traps air against the body for insulation – Hunted extensively for fur nearly to extinction
Sea Otters and Polar Bears Sea otters are found only in the Pacific Ocean, and have the densest fur of all animals Sea otters inhabit nearshore environments and dive to the sea floor to forage on mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms (sea stars and urchins) – Must eat ~25-30% of their body weight per day
Sea Otters
Polar Bear Polar bears are semi-aquatic mammals that spend a good deal of their life drifting on sea ice in the Arctic They feed primarily on seals, which they stalk at breathing holes World’s largest land carnivore Thick blubber; translucent fur, black skin! Threatened by the loss of Arctic sea ice!