Collaborations with Faculty in Upper Division Courses Laura Robinson Reference/Instructional Services Librarian Conant Library, Nichols College Copyright 2004 Laura Robinson Working with Grants
11 June 2004Laura Robinson2 Presentation Outline Information literacy at Nichols College Information literacy at Nichols College Building support for upper division information literacy infusion Building support for upper division information literacy infusion Nichols College Faculty Teaching Center grant Nichols College Faculty Teaching Center grant Project Project Assessment Assessment Reporting Reporting Davis Educational Foundation grant Davis Educational Foundation grant
11 June 2004Laura Robinson3 Information Literacy at Nichols College Two-tiered information literacy training for first-year students: Two-tiered information literacy training for first-year students: Professional Development Seminars (PDS) Professional Development Seminars (PDS) Current Issues Symposia (CIS) Current Issues Symposia (CIS) Upper division instructors collaborate with librarians on a case by case basis. Upper division instructors collaborate with librarians on a case by case basis.
11 June 2004Laura Robinson4 Gaining Institutional Support for Upper Division Infusion Find formal and informal opportunities to discuss the need. Find formal and informal opportunities to discuss the need. Seek out key people on campus: Seek out key people on campus: Known library supporters/users (faculty, administration, and students) Known library supporters/users (faculty, administration, and students) Heads of programs that use the library Heads of programs that use the library Heads of programs in which the library is underutilized Heads of programs in which the library is underutilized
11 June 2004Laura Robinson5 Seeking Opportunities for Formal Programming Nichols College Faculty Teaching Center Nichols College Faculty Teaching Center Sponsors teaching workshops held throughout the year. Sponsors teaching workshops held throughout the year. Provides grants for improving teaching methods on campus. Provides grants for improving teaching methods on campus.
11 June 2004Laura Robinson6 The Fall 2003 Pilot Project Project designed for maximum flexibility while having the following standard features: Project designed for maximum flexibility while having the following standard features: Each class had three formal contacts with a librarian. Each class had three formal contacts with a librarian. Assignments relating to information literacy instruction were defined in syllabus and allotted a percentage of the final course grade. Assignments relating to information literacy instruction were defined in syllabus and allotted a percentage of the final course grade. Students and faculty completed satisfaction surveys at the end of the semester. Students and faculty completed satisfaction surveys at the end of the semester. Faculty were in attendance at Faculty Teaching Center Pilot Project Results Presentation. Faculty were in attendance at Faculty Teaching Center Pilot Project Results Presentation.
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11 June 2004Laura Robinson11 Faculty Comments “Develops rapport [between students and librarians] and makes students more comfortable asking for help.” “Develops rapport [between students and librarians] and makes students more comfortable asking for help.” “…the number of quality sources cited has gone up.” “…the number of quality sources cited has gone up.” “…[students] still struggle with correct [APA] format, but overall the improvement has been noticeable.” “…[students] still struggle with correct [APA] format, but overall the improvement has been noticeable.”
11 June 2004Laura Robinson12 Making the Case for Formal Upper Division Collaborations Presenting Pilot Project results Presenting Pilot Project results Suggesting readings Suggesting readings Working within the Nichols College mission Working within the Nichols College mission
11 June 2004Laura Robinson13 From Nichols Grant to Davis Grant There was a clear need with limited resources to fulfill that need. There was a clear need with limited resources to fulfill that need. There was institutional support and momentum. There was institutional support and momentum. There was proven ability to follow through. There was proven ability to follow through. The campus grant writer was in full support and made a creative proposal. The campus grant writer was in full support and made a creative proposal.
11 June 2004Laura Robinson14 The Award The Davis Educational Foundation awarded $56,000 to be used over three years in order to increase information literacy training and access to resources. The Davis Educational Foundation awarded $56,000 to be used over three years in order to increase information literacy training and access to resources. Business Source Elite subscription Business Source Elite subscription Part-time reference librarian to enable instruction librarian to devote more time to information literacy training Part-time reference librarian to enable instruction librarian to devote more time to information literacy training Stipends for faculty and librarians involved in Information Literacy Program Stipends for faculty and librarians involved in Information Literacy Program
11 June 2004Laura Robinson15 Some Details The project will last for six semesters, The project will last for six semesters, Fall 2004 – Spring Each semester four faculty members will collaborate with a librarian. Each semester four faculty members will collaborate with a librarian. Requirements are similar to Pilot Project, with addition of pre- and post- testing. Requirements are similar to Pilot Project, with addition of pre- and post- testing.
11 June 2004Laura Robinson16 Long Term Goals of the Grant Project Establishment of standards within each area of study at the college. Establishment of standards within each area of study at the college. Begin to reach all student populations and programs. Begin to reach all student populations and programs. MBA MBA Military Military Continuing Education Continuing Education
11 June 2004Laura Robinson17 The Plan Market to upper-division faculty who have not traditionally sought library collaborations. Market to upper-division faculty who have not traditionally sought library collaborations. Be flexible while having useful assessment tools. Be flexible while having useful assessment tools. Be patient, both with instructors and with progress toward program goals. Be patient, both with instructors and with progress toward program goals.
11 June 2004Laura Robinson18 So Far… In May invitations were mailed to all faculty. In May invitations were mailed to all faculty. Four qualifying responses were received within 24 hours (eight within a week). Four qualifying responses were received within 24 hours (eight within a week). Collaborations have begun this summer. Collaborations have begun this summer.
11 June 2004Laura Robinson19 Contact Info Laura Robinson Conant Library Nichols College Center Road Dudley, MA ; fax Conant Library website: AIM: nicholslibrary