Continuously Planting Crops Deplete soil of Nitrogen Dumping Nitrogen Containing compounds in lakes. Uncontrolled growth of plants
HUMAN IMPACT Cutting down forests (Less Co2 being absorbed) Burning of Fossil Fuels (More Co2 being released)
OZONE-THINNING Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s): Once widely used as coolants and propellant in aerosol cans Depletes the Ozone layer More UV-rays hitting the earth Discovered in 1980’s
GLOBAL WARMING More greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere because of burning of fossil fuels Scientists noticed increase in global temperatures as CO2 levels have increased.
ACID PRECIPITATION (RAIN) Air Pollutants + Water forms ACID! Increased acidity of soil or water can cause disease or death in trees, fish, and other organisms Neutralizing a Volcanic Acid lake.
BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATION When toxic chemicals become more concentrated in the tertiary consumers of an ecosystem. Example: DDT & Mercury
ECOSYSTEM DISRUPTION Extinction The Death of Every member of the species. Endangered A species who is in danger of extinction CAUSES Habitat Destruction: Cutting down of forests Damming rivers Draining swamps Surface mining Logging Clearing of land for buildings/roads Hunting/Poaching
EXAMPLE: SEA OTTER Sea Otters Poached for fur (1800’s and 1900’s) Sea Urchins Sea Urchin Population started to rise because no otters were eating Kelp Beds Urchins fed on the kelp forest (where sea otters used to live) Restoration Biologists reintroduced species and secured legal protection Web Links Sea Otter Web Cam Kelp Forest at Monterey Bay Aquarium
OVER –USAGE OF RESOURCES Sustainability The idea that the human population can SURVIVE indefinitely! What has to happen? Renewable resources (continue to plant) Our needs vs. Earth’s Needs vs. Needs of Other Species? GO GREEN!
RENEWABLENON-RENEWABLE Water Trees Wind Oil Metal/Minerals