Aquatic Ecosystems
Ecosystems Freshwater Marine Wetlands Flowing water Standing water Freshwater Wetlands Marine Intertidal zone Coastal Ocean (Neritic Zone) Coral Reefs Open Ocean Zone Benthic Zone Wetlands Salt marshes Mangrove swamps Estuaries
Freshwater: Flowing Water Examples: Rivers, streams, brooks, creeks Basic Biology: Aquatic Green Plants, fishes, turtles, beaver, otters
Freshwater: Standing Water Examples: Lakes, ponds Basic Biology: Plankton, algae, fishes, frogs, turtles, birds
Freshwater Wetlands Examples: aquatic habitats including swamps, marshes, bogs, prairie potholes Basic Biology: pond lilies, tamarack, and black spruce, amphibians, reptiles, birds (such as ducks and waders)
Wetlands: Estuaries Description: freshwater source meets ocean Basic Biology: algae, bacteria, oysters, shrimp, crabs, spawning ground for fish
Wetlands: Salt Marshes Description: Flat, muddy or grassy areas along coasts Basic Biology: salt-tolerant grasses, sea grasses, birds
Wetlands: Mangrove Swamps Description: wetland occurring only in warm climates Basic Biology: salt-tolerant woody plants, shellfish, birds, fish, reptiles
Marine Zones Neritic Open ocean zone Intertidal Benthic
Marine: Intertidal Description: Coast, area between high tide and low tide marks Basic Biology: Barnacles, seaweed, snails, urchins, sea stars
Marine: Costal Ocean (Neretic) Description: low tide mark to edge of continental shelf Basic Biology: Rich in plankton, coral, kelp, sea otters, seals
Marine: Coral Reef Description: found around the globe in warm waters Basic Biology: Fish, coral, algae, jellyfish, shark, turtles
Marine: Open Ocean Description: edge of continental shelf outwards Basic Biology: Fishes, Dolphins, Whales
Marine: Benthic Description: ocean floor Basic Biology: clams, sea cucumbers, chemosynthetic producers