Stramenopiles II
Synurophyceans (Silica-Scaled Algae) Photosynthetic Stramenopiles Chrysophyceans (Golden Brown) Tribophyceans (Yellow-Green) Bacillariophyceans (Diatoms) Phaeophyceans (Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweeds)
Phaeophyceaen Diversity I Ectocarpus Scytosiphon Ectocarpus
Phaeophyceaen Diversity III Streblonema
Fucus Macrocystis Nereocystis Phaeophyceaen Diversity III Sargassum Dictyota
Point Lobos State Preserve, CA (just south of Monterrey CA) KELP VIEWING SITES
Fig in Graham et al Diffuse (Non-Localized) Growth
Figs in Graham et al Primary Growth (Apical Cell)
Intercalary Growth (Intercalary Meristem)
Lateral Growth (Meristoderm)
Cell Differentiation (Cuticle, Epidermis, Medulla) Fig in Lee 1999
Cell Differentiation (Trumpet Hyphae) Figs , in Graham et al. 2008
21 Herbivore Defenses: Tannins and Terpenes (Physodes)
Organ Differentiation (Holdfast, Stipe, Blade)
Organ Differentiation (Pneumatocysts= Bladders) Macrocystis Sargassum Nereocystis
Multicellular, Organs, Tissues 7
Ecology Productivity: Up to 1 kg C / m 2 / y (Graham et al. 2008)
Ecology 10
Alginate Commercial Use
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