Great White Shark YRC9P0
Marine Mammals Cetaceans Pinnipeds Sirenians Polar bear Sea otter
What’s the big deal about being an aquatic mammal?
Problem and Solutions Problem: Heat conductivity of water 25x that of air Solutions?
Solutions Insulation Marine mammals - two forms of insulation FurBlubber
INSULATION THICKNESS (mm) INSULATION (W -1 M 2o C) Still AirDry Fur Wood Adipose Muscle Water Copper Sea otter hair, Wet Harbor porpoise blubber Spotted dolphin blubber
INSULATION THICKNESS (mm) INSULATION (W -1 M 2o C Still AirDry Fur Wood Adipose Muscle Water Copper Polar bear hair, Dry Polar bear hair, Wet
Thermal Windows Feet Flippers Dorsal fin Pectoral flippers Tailflukes
Rommel et al., ‘98
Countercurrent exchanger
Conclusions Marine mammal solutions Insulation - fur and blubber Vasculature
Thermal Problem for Male Reproductive Systems Problem: Sperm production requires lower temp Terrestrial mammal solution Scrotum or cremaster sacs
Rommel et al., ‘98
The Cetacean Solution Rommel et al., ‘92
Rommel et al., ‘98
Distance from Anus (cm) Temperature ( o C) IT WORKS!
Conclusions Marine mammal solutions Decreased surface area Insulation - fur and blubber Vasculature
Structure without function is a corpse; function sans structure is a ghost - Vogel and Wainwright, ‘69