Toby Roy, San Diego County Water Authority Task Force Chair October 9, 2012
2 2 SBX 7 7: Part of Comprehensive Legislation on water supply in California
CII Task Force DWR in conjunction with the CUWCC must: Create a Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) Task Force. Scope: Develop alternative best management practices for the CII water sector.
Timeline First Meeting: March 2011 Monthly Meetings Preliminary draft: December 2011 Public Workshop: January 12, 2012 Due Date to the Legislature: April 1, 2012 Last meeting: August 15, 2012
CII TF Membership 28 Members: water suppliers, environmental groups and CII customers CWASierra ClubDept of Defense ACWADNA AssociatesHotel and Lodging Assn CUWAMetal Finishing AssnBP America Contra Costa WDManufacturers CouncilIEA LADWPFood Service TechnologyGolf Association EBMUDPlumbing Manufacturers InsSilicon Valley Leadership Metropolitan WDLeague of Food ProcessorsRain Bird Corp. SDCWAWateReuseSchool Employees Assn. Pacific InstituteBayer Health Care NRDCSociety for Health Care Eng.
CII TF Purpose Develop a report which DWR will present to the legislature containing the following: Metrics CII water demands Public infrastructure to deliver recycled water Institutional and economic barriers to increased recycled water use Technical feasibility and cost of the user BMPs for efficient water use statewide in the CII Sector.
Key Information in Report Best Management Practices Uses Standards Alternative Water Supplies Recycled Water Metrics Cost Effectiveness
8 BMPs: Focus on Uses Cooling Towers Boilers Cleaning Equipment Treatment Processes Landscape
9 BMPs: Device Based Standards Dishwashers Toilets/Urinals Ice Machines Faucets Laundry Systems Mandatory: Plumbing codes, Green Building Standards Voluntary: Watersense, energy star, LEED
10 BMPs: Alternative Water Supplies On-site water recycling Blowdown Process water Condensate Stormwater/rainwater capture Graywater Recommendation: BSC should update plumbing codes to include alternative water supplies
11 Key Findings: Metrics There is no single metric that can be applied to CII uses Each use site is unique Metrics can be used to track efficiency trends both statewide and at the individual user level Better collection of statewide water use data is needed
12 Recycled Water-Infrastructure Encourage more local planning Develop state master plan Provide State and Federal funding
13 Recycled Water- Overcoming Barriers Improve statutes to overcome regulatory barriers while protecting public health and water quality Consistently implement State Board Policy and Regulations Align plumbing code and recycled water regulations Update Ocean Plan for brine disposal Educate water users and suppliers Competitively price recycled water Provide quality to match the use Increase system reliability
14 Encouraging Industry Participation Audits Cost Effectiveness Benchmarking Improvement
15 Next Steps: BMP Implementation Get the Word out Workshops Technical Assistance Stakeholder commitment and support Customer self audits Water agency conservation programs
16 Next Steps: Track Success Develop mechanisms for tracking and reporting water use data, audits, implementation and improvements Voluntary and anonymous reporting by industry, compare to industry standards Improved water use reporting to DWR Reporting from DWR to the legislature
17 Next Steps: Advancements in Technology Maintain up-to-date BMP information (CUWCC) Set efficiency standards for devices and equipment Ensure up to date building codes
18 Local Water Supplier Role Standardize water use data reporting Implement water conservation programs Incentives, audits, technical assistance outreach and education Support efforts to maintain up to date BMPs Support standards development/legislation
19 Local Recycled Agency Role Take steps to overcome barriers to recycled water use Competitive pricing of recycled water Public outreach Work with regulatory agencies Local planning for recycled water use Develop and find funding for needed infrastructure
20 Industry’s Role Promote implementation of BMPs and recycled water Develop efficient technologies Conduct self audits to determine opportunities for efficiencies Implement cost effective improvements Seek outside funding incentives
21 State Agency Roles Recycled water regulation and planning (SWRCB, CDPH, DWR, CEC) Support funding for BMPS/recycled water/alternative water (DWR, SWRCB,CPUC) Develop approach for comprehensive water use data collection (DWR, CDPH, SWRCB, CPUC) Updated codes and standards (Building Standards Commission, CEC)