WELCOME TO Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte, is the capital of MINAS GERAIS With an area of approximately 330 km ² and population of 2,375,444 inhabitants, Belo Horizonte has already been indicated by the Population Crisis Committee, the UNO(United Nations Organizations) as the metropolis with the best quality of life in Latin America and 45 th among the 100 best cities in the world
B ELO H ORIZONTE In Belo Horizonte there are many tourist spots, but certainly the most visited is the MINEIRÃO being constructed to receive about people which will host one of the biggest events in the world, The World Cup of 2014.
In Belo Horizonte there is not only Mineirão, but also has many hotels, tourist spots and many other attractions.
H AVE A N ICE TRIP !!! That´s all!!