Jeremiah: The Prophet of Doom Look at the pictures. Can you guess some of the problems that Jeremiah faced?
He was thrown out by his own family and told to flee the town, as he was embarrassing them with his preaching, and almost murdered by a wild mob of priests and neighbours. He was whipped and put in stocks. He was arrested and lowered by his enemies into a water pit in the prison yard, where he would have drowned in the mud, if one of his friends had not got him moved to a normal prison cell again. He had all his prophesies, which had taken a year to write burnt by the King. He got them re-written, the King burnt them again. He was depressed by his failure to persuade people to believe his message and return to God. He even curses the day he was born. 1.Explain 3 things Jeremiah suffered as part of his prophetic ministry. 2.Why do you think he was persecuted in this way? What sort of things could he have been saying? ** What signs are there that Jeremiah was a true prophet? Look back at your notes from last lesson. 3. Draw one of the things Jeremiah suffered
a.What were God’s first instructions to the prophet Jeremiah ? Vs 2 b.Jeremiah’s message: how do the Jews have to change their behaviour? Vs 5-7 c.In verse 9-10, what else is Jeremiah saying? What else is not OK for the people to be doing anymore? d.Look up Jer 25:8-11. What will happen if the people do not listen to his warnings? **How difficult do you think it is, being a prophet like Jeremiah? Jeremiah’s Message Jer 7:1-15
You’re such a Jeremiah! Life got even more difficult for poor Jeremiah. God wanted Jeremiah to tell the people, that they should being conquered by their enemies, the Babylonians, and to live in peace under their rule. Jeremiah’s message made many Jews think that Jeremiah was a traitor for the Babylonians... Write a “doom and gloom” message for the people in the UK, asking them to accept something they do not want.. …eg about changing the way they live to stop climate change …eg accepting bad economic conditions, as the government tries to save money… Accept the rule of your enemies!