Bat Cave
Effects of Temperature
Battery Unit The heater is a 72-volt unit. It is primarily used to defog the windshield. Using it will rapidly deplete the batteries, shortening your range. From the owner’s manual
Measuring Turning Radius of car
Dimensions of the Room
Turning Radius
Our Proposal
Skateboard Testing The skateboard didn’t break!
Important Considerations
Torque vs Force Force estimated between 200 to 350 N
Bending Moment
Gear Reduction
Manual Crank
Automatic Cranks
Our Future Building Plan
Future Development More testing Strength of materials
Possible Future Ideas Explore ways to turn the motion of crank into turning power for the arm using some form of gear Build a model of the Zap car and arm for small scale testing
Conclusion Our idea provides a simple, reliable, and cheap solution to moving the car into the bat cave