1 Digital NOTAM Towards a concept of operations xNOTAM Workshop #2 Brussels, November 2007 Item 2 European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
2 Presentation objectives Analyse digital NOTAM from an operational point of view What is a digital NOTAM Who will produce digital NOTAM Who will use digital NOTAM
3 Digital NOTAM definition Current NOTAM “ A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. ” Digital NOTAM “ A data set made available through digital services containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to systems and automated equipment used by personnel concerned with flight operations. ” Event aeronautical information update
4 Digital NOTAM definition Events “Permanent” - the effect of which will last until the next permanent change or until the end of the lifetime of the feature Effective at a time instant “Temporary” - changes of a limited duration that are considered to be overlaid on the permanent state of the feature Effective during a time period “Transient” – a new feature, with a temporary duration (short lifetime) Effective during a time period Aeronautical Information Event Digital NOTAM
5 Hierarchy of Events Very helpful for defining application business rules … and remarkably similar to the NSC concept! Work in progress, in cooperation with FAA Identify usual events and provide AIXM encoding guidelines
6 Concept of Operations - goal Digital NOTAM Concept of Operations Provide a high-level description (graphical and textual) of the operations to be carried out, simultaneously or in succession, for the origination, encoding and provision to the user of digital NOTAM and of related products and services. Part of the AIM Concept Aeronautical Information Event Digital NOTAM
7 Concept of Operations elements AIP NOTAM for people for machines Real time digital aeronautical data Beyond AIP and NOTAM:
8 Concept of Operations elements Data centric system Common workflow for static & dynamic data AIS products become views/reports on the data Digital production chain Enable on-demand production Gradual world-wide adoption NOTAM only will continue to be provided from many States for years as long as necessary for legacy applications Until the digital NOTAM system reaches equivalent facility of usage Some current NOTAM strengths Can be broadcasted worldwide Real Time broadcasting Can be read/printed by ops without automated AIS System Plausibility and Impact analysis covered by ops
9 Concept of Operations elements Data encoding responsibility transferred to originator Ensure integrity Critical new role of the (former) AIS/NOTAM office Guarantee the quality of the information Training and support to originator Encoding of non-common situations will require special skills (deep knowledge of the data model) “NOTAM Operator” and “static data operator” will become just “data operator” Transitory role: legacy NOTAM editor approve output that is automatically generated touch-up machine generated text to make it more human readable
10 Concept of Operations elements Solution completeness: create equivalent AIXM-update messages for all currently published NOTAM However, even in a fully automated system, some information is intended for people -> supported as textual Notes Database responsibility capability to validate and question Event notifications received from any organisation, when they do not comply with own quality criteria Full reliance on HMI Manual editing of AIXM messages is excluded Common situations should be fast and simple to encode Un-common situations should also be supported
11 Concept of Operations elements NOTAM automatic generation from AIXM changes Quite obvious for A,B,C,Q fields D field AIXM TIMESHEET complex data type – fully structured information compact and still readable - requires sophisticated algorithms E field content may be drafted automatically “human touch” might be necessary make it look closer to the natural language
12 Concept of Operations elements NOTAM automatic generation - advantages Enforces standard phraseology D and E field as main beneficiaries Uniformity in NOTAM content Prevent excessive use of abbreviations Guarantee standard use of units of measurement Encourages small NOTAM with individual scope and purpose instead of large generic information improving further filtering Improved coherence between NOTAM translations same software component -> similar results
13 NOTAM validation - currently a major task for NOTAM data providers Data Service Providers Regional databases, such as the EAD In future, changed objective Semantic analysis rather than syntactic work Evaluation of data consistency Evaluation of impact on operations Using “semantic rules” organisation specific whether received data require manual analysis or not Concept of Operations elements
14 Concept of Operations elements Generate PIB not from NOTAM, but from Event data Merge with static data Merge with other data (MET)
15 Concept of Operations Goal Provide a high-level description (graphical and textual) of the operations to be carried out, simultaneously or in succession, for the origination, encoding and provision to the user of digital NOTAM and of related products and services. Part of the AIM Concept Benefit from other AIM projects D-AIM AIS/MET Data Link CHAIN Etc.
16 Others ATC Airspace Designers CNS Infra structure Airports Data Sources AIS Organisation Data Outputs AIP, Amd & Supp AICs NOTAM PIB … Data Users Other States Other Airspace User Airlines Pilots ATSP Flight Briefing Commercial Database Providers Digital AIM Services Digital AIM D-AIM Increment
17 Concept of Operations xNOTAM Project focus -> digital NOTAM origination, encoding and distribution services/interfaces
18 Concept of Operations AI Event Submission and Distribution OriginatorNational Reference Database AIS Product Editor Client
19 Concept of operations Data integrator and Service Provider
20 Time for debate